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How can leftists get our hold on mainstream climate activism and create an organized mass movement?

What is it were missing? And how can we fit more pieces together to find out what to do?


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  • Because the sad truth is that to get ahead of climate change we must comsume less. And that is one heck of a hard sell. Drive less, eat less meat, local vacations etc. So far been seen as a manic arguing for reduction in consumption. Along with a non healthy does of "why should we do when them over there wont?"

    • The last point is just chauvinistic crap. Ask those people to get a few random objects in their house to see where it is made. 'Them over there' don't do it because they need to make our products for dirt cheap wages in horrific conditions.

      Also, individual reduction of consumerism is going to do jack shit when the top 100 companies produce 70% of all global emissions. And I say this as a person who DOES reduce as much as possible.

      • I agree with you. Except that if enough individuals cut their consumption it will make an impact. Less demand so less would be produced and less corporate emissions. But individuals in general aren't inclined to do that. Exactly because each individual's contribution is so small. So it has to be done on a large scale.

        But then I've given up hope that climate change will be stopped with manageable impact and all efforts to that goal is pretty meaningless. Instead we must work to handle the impact of climate change. Making sure that for example water will still be available where it is needed, that water wars won't happen. Change of crops for new climate, better drought/flooding resistance for example. And peoples' habitation and lively hood when sea levels rise. How to handle periodic flooding of river deltas and their increased salination.

        That discussion I feel often is overlooked.

        • Don't give the capitalists money for crap you don't need, it only inflates their profits. Sure, that is fine for you if you are not so poor that you can afford the more ethical option.

          To whatever extent you can make a choice to do something good on a small scale, is that good, probably. However an even greater good would be to seize power from the capitalist forces of planetary destruction to build an ecologically sustainable economy.

          Let Mother earth speak to us in the howl of the hurricanes, the dry heats of the summers and the strange destabilization of the polar vortex. Use what she says as a point to build an ecological economy or she might not let our species survive.

    • It's honestly rather silly that you think the solution for it is "consuming less" when some 30 million people on the richest country in the world rely on food stamps, and some 60% live paycheck to paycheck. Do you honestly think there's any more "fat" to cut for those?

      It's seen as disconnected from reality because it actually is. The problem is not that all (or majority of) people consume too much, but that the production itself (and the waste disposal aftwards) is the most climate-inneficient it could ever be. How is one to "drive less" or "eat less meat" when those are the only ways they could afford to live?

      "Local vacations" lmao