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'Barbie' beats Harry Potter to break new box office record 'Barbie' beats Harry Potter to break new box office record

It's on track to become the highest-grossing film of 2023

'Barbie' beats Harry Potter to break new box office record

Adam Starkey 2–3 minutes

Barbie has become the highest-grossing movie in Warner Bros. history.

Greta Gerwig’s fantasy comedy passed the $1.342billion mark at the global box office on Monday (August 28), beating Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 2 to become the company’s highest-grossing film ever, not adjusted for inflation.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Barbie is set to become only the 13th movie in history to cross the $600million mark at the US box office later this week. As of Sunday, the film has grossed over $592.8million in the US, and $745.5million in the rest of the world.

The film is also set to beat The Super Mario Bros. Movie ($1.36billion) as the highest-grossing film of 2023 globally in the coming days. When it crosses the milestone, Barbie will become the 15th highest-grossing film of all time.

In a statement to mark the record, Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group co-CEOs, Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy, said: “Reaching this outstanding achievement is a reminder of the power of moviegoers – from countries in every corner of the globe – coming together to further the celebration of an iconic character that has entertained us for so many decades.”

Barbie previously surpassed Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight to become the highest-earning film in Warner Bros. history in the US. Since it was released in July, the film has also become the highest-grossing live-action movie solely directed by a woman.

Starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, Barbie released on the same day as Nolan’s latest film Oppenheimer, creating the “Barbenheimer” phenomena which boosted the success of both films at the box office.

In a four-star review, NME wrote: “What follows is a nuanced, rose-tinted comedy adventure, set to a stonking pop soundtrack featuring Lizzo and Billie Eilish, that somehow lives up to the immense hype. To borrow a pun from Ken’s coolest jacket (out of a long lineup), Barbie is more than ‘kenough’.”


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  • Barbie isn't the greatest movie, but at least it has a better message than the fascist wizard series.

    • What’s wrong with Harry potters message?

      • In an online Q&A, author Ursula Le Guin was asked for her opinion on JK Rowling’s writing style. Quote: “I have no great opinion of it. When so many adult critics were carrying on about the “incredible originality” of the first Harry Potter book, I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid’s fantasy crossed with a “school novel”, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited.” There is more to the Q&A, but frankly, this adult critic has no great opinion of it.

      • The main message is love conquers all. It just screams fascism.

        • Can you give any support for this claim using just sources from the series?

          • Aside from the classism and cruelty of the narcissistic mentors, I don't have much to say about the original series. It does suggest that even if magic were real that the world would be run by a hierarchy of rulers that enforced a strict separation between the magical class and the muggles though. Also, Wizarding World uses Nazi caricatures of Jews as goblins and JKR is truly an ignorant and hateful person.

            • Whole lot of buzzwords here without much substance. Fascism is... mean teachers?? None of what you suggested is exclusive to fascism and you're grasping at straws.

              Also Fascism =/= antisemitism and you're insulting millions of Jews who have experienced antisemitism outside of Fascism for implying as such. Plus the caricatures predate the Nazis by centuries. JKR is ignorant but your comment makes no sense to describe a series whose main villain is the most on-the-nose (no pun intended) Hitler stand-in in literature.

              • You talk like one of them. Splitting hairs and hiding them behind each other's atrocities.

                • everyone I dont like is a Nazi

                  Words have meaning dumbass. Harry Potter sucks and JK Rowling is a pos, but HP is not pro-fascism in any way. You'd put up a good argument if there was any real support for that statement.

                  • Words don't have meaning. People assign meanings to words. That's why every ignorant Republican sees Communist boogymen everywhere. I'm pushing you to understand that every hierarchy enforced by violence and the rule of law is inherently fascistic. That's why it keeps coming up like a hydra everywhere that authority is threatened. You don't want to admit that Communism, Naziism, fascism, Republicanism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Israel, China, North Korea, etc, etc are all the same because the authorities demand that you believe they're different. Every hierarchy is built on the labor and lives of a slave class. Every in-group protected by law defines out-groups to murder in order to preserve the status quo. JKR and her stories are all very pro-government and pro-authority. If not initially, then definitely retroactively as her sanity has dwindled.

                    • every hierarchy enforced by violence and the rule of law is inherently fascistic.

                      This is literally untrue and you seem to have a poor understanding of what fascism actually is.

                      Fascism = Communism might just be the most brain-fried take I've seen on Lemmy.

                      words don't have meaning

                      Okay, Big Brother.

                      • "Words don't have meaning, people attribute meaning to words," is general semantics 101. Look it up.

                        These labels exist to keep you at odds with other people programmed with their complementary labels. Fascism is the deification of power under the label of government, corporation, or religion. You cannot point to any differences in the function of any hierarchy other than these fictional labels. At best you have a representational democracy with gentle law enforcement, at worst you have the prison-military-industrial complex. The genocide never ended. It was corporatized and legalized.

        • To be fair, the context of blood purity isn't really dealt with enough - evidenced by the dearth of fanfiction on the damn thing. 'Limpieza de sangre' isn't just an interesting Harry Potter x Female Tom Riddle fanfiction - it's also, according to wiki: literally "cleanliness of blood" and meaning "blood purity", was a racially discriminatory term used in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, with connections to the Inquisition that nobody expected.

        • The main message is, "Get back in your box, muggle."

      • Why not ask the sorting hat? Probably because he'd make you a hufflepuff, then the teachers would steal your points and give them to the privileged kids.

      • Looking at u/@TrismegistusMx 's post history and viewing its sheer volume of smoothbrain thoughts (but also interspersed with rare moments of lucid deep intellect) it would seem that the real problem they have with the underlying message in the Harry Potter books is that education is an imaginative, magical experience.

    • I have plenty of problems with JK Rowlings recent attitudes towards certain disenfranchised groups, but I have a hard time interpreting Harry Potter as "fascist". The entire premise is diametrically opposed to fascism. The latter four books show how fascists use fearmongering and populist rhetoric in the press to take over democratic institutions.

      What I find frustrating about the whole situation is how Rowling seems to have fallen victim to some of the very same patterns her own books warned against.

    • "the fascist wizard series" 💀💀💀

    • Well, nobody likes Saruman.