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Starfield pricing and editions leaked Starfield : Découvrez en exclusivité les éditions et les prix du jeu vidéo tant attendu

Découvrez les éditions et les prix du tant attendu Starfield ! Ne manquez pas cette chance de précommander votre jeu dès maintenant.

Prices are in euros

Standard Edition: 69.99 PC | 79.99 on Xbox

Premium Edition: 104.99 PC | 114.99 Xbox

Collector's Edition: 299.99 on both platforms.


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  • Jesus Christ, I know it's a collectors edition but fuck me €299 for a game is insane, is anyone going to buy that?

    • I don't know what the DLC situation is with Starfield, but if you look at some games that do have DLC -- which I'd personally generally care about more than collector's editions -- they can get well above €299.

      looks at Steam

      The Sims 4 is $1,064.33 for all the current DLC.

      IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad is $1,061.63 for all the current DLC.

      Paradox has a number of games that aren't quite as large but are still definitely up there. Europa Universalis is $445.13.

      • I would love to know how many people have bought $1,000 worth of the sims 4, and how many of those have filed for bankruptcy by now for poor financial decisions.

        • That was my gut reaction too when I first saw it. I'm kind of accustomed to an economic model for video games that works differently,'s not intrinsically crazy. If that is someone's hobby, then, hey, if they get a lot of time out of it, it could be worth it. If someone gets, I dunno, say, a jetski, they're gonna be paying more -- probably significantly more -- than $1k, and I suspect that there are a lot of The Sims players who have gotten a lot more hours out of The Sims than a lot of jetski owners have out of their jetskis.

          I think that it'd only work for most people for games that have a really substantial level of replayability, that you can get many hours out of. If a fully-loaded copy of The Sims is worth $1k to you, then you're saying that you'd rather have that than 20 $50 games. For me, at least, that's a pretty tough sell, because there are single $50 games that I would rather have a copy of than The Sims 4, much less 20.

          On the other hand, the game provides a fairly-unique experience. Not a lot of competition in that space, other than the prior entries in the series. It's not like, oh, the first-person-shooter genre where there are dozens of alternatives at a more-conventional price. If you're dead-set on having a game like that, well, you don't really have any other options.

          60% of Sims 4 Players Are Women Aged 18-24

          So, basically, the game is targeting a specific demographic that I suspect has been underserved by the video game market. There are lots of genres, say, I dunno, competitive first-person-shooter deathmatch games, that target roughly their male counterparts in age. It may also be that a lot of those women are buying one game. I know one woman who bought a Mac some years back specifically to play The Sims.

          • You're definitely right about there being some people who will play it for thousands of hours and probably get $1,000 of enjoyment from it, but where I think the comparison with a jetski falls down is a jetski is a physical thing, it somewhat retains its value, if you do get bored you can sell it later for whatever % of what you paid for it.

            You cant really sell games like that anymore, especially not dlc.