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Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)

AKA: Daily random thread: Baku doing the posting cuz nobody has invented automoderator for Lemmy yet

Edit: words


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  • Dammit, so the Melbourne sub going private thing smashed my last 6 months of journaling on the DT. Had I known I could have copied it. Anyone an old melbourne mod here? Any ideas where it might be webarchived? I messaged the old mods today to try and see if they'll grant me access for a little while to copy it. I should have doing it all along, but I obvioulsy didn't foresee this and I had no warning all our old comments would disappear. eck.

    EDIT in other news I went to the st kilda town hall for the pop up drag storytime run by rainbow community angels in the wake of another drag storytime event being cancelled due to the disgustiing behaviour of a few. It was cold and wet but our hearts were warmed. happy pride. again.