I feel that speed is the biggest benefit. I was on kbin.social and in the beginning everything was fine, but after a while when they got more and more users it was terrible. Every second click led me to cloudflare sometimes even with the capcha.
On my own instance now since yesterday everything is so fast! I chose lemmy because it's written in Rust and I have the feeling that it will be more resourceful and with less bugs than /kbin because of that ^^
Yeah, I'm running on an instance of just me and my wife, biggest downside is needing to subscribe to communities before we get content, but its sooo much faster.
I almost think this is a blessing because you don't get so overwhelmed with stuff you don't care about and only see what you're looking for. But yes the UI for it is not very good yet.
Once I subbed to a few things now it seems my all feed gets content from servers and communities I'm not subscribed too. Just took a bit. Mostly from smaller foreign ones right now tho.