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Do aliens poop?

I've never even heard about aliens eating.

What do you think?


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  • Every single living thing needs to have some waste disposal ability, right... provided it consumes anything on any level to live...

    • Every single living thing needs to have some waste disposal ability, right…

      An adult mayfly doesn't poop. Once it comes out of the final cocoon it doesn't even have a mouth (I hope it doesn't feel like screaming).

      • I would need someone to elaborate on this, lol.

        • The sole purpose of a fully grown mayfly is procreation. It literally doesn't have a mouth, only vestigal mandibles. The final stage of their lives after metamorphosis and emerging from their cocoon is literally fucking around until they die - Usually within a day.

          I was trying to allude to the possibility that alien beings wouldn't necessarily need a waste disposal facility as you so charmingly call it. They could be custom made for particular missions and wouldn't need a digestive system and thus no anus between them alien cheeks.