To all of the authors below who have disparaging opinions on the UX/UI experience and or the download ability. It’s a volunteer project for a reason. If you have such grand ideas and abilities put your money where your fingers are and fucking sign up.
A lot of the hate GIMP gets is people coming from Photoshop expecting it to work like Photoshop. In fact that's true for a lot of Adobe-like open source projects. That's why "industry standards" are dangerous and really only exist to keep one company rich.
My hate comes from wanting it to work like LView Pro. There's no Linux image manipulation program that comes close to meeting the standard they set in 2001.
Declaring that the only legitimate feedback comes from people who are also capable of doing the work is not a good way to solicit constructive feedback.
I get it. You made a mistake, are embarrassed, and are now pointing things back on the messenger instead of just saying, "Oh shit, my bad," and moving on with your life.