According to former United States general Ben Hodges, the withdrawal of US troops from Europe is only a matter of time. He advises Switzerland to prepare for war.
According to former United States general Ben Hodges, the withdrawal of US troops from Europe is only a matter of time. In an interview with SonntagsBlick, he advises Switzerland to prepare for war.
If anyone is interested in the state of things in Switzerland:
Our defense is in chaos right now. A scandal in our state-owned but public weapons manufacturer just broke a few weeks ago and shortly after the secretary of the departement of defense announced her resignation. We will see if the newly elected one will improve the situation.
The army is generally seen as somewhat of a joke, especially by people who served, which is more than half of all Swiss men. We like to call it a "Pfadiverein" (boy scouts association).
Even with all that, the right wing parties want to give a shitload more money to defense, and cut costs in social spending and foreign aid to compensate. Left of centre the need to improve defense is also accepted, but 1) before the army gets more money, they need to get their shit together and 2) more important than the army itself is integration with the european security Infrastructure (the left parties are also very pro-EU). The centre politicians usually mix blth stances and lean more one or the other way.
Also we still stand to buy fighter jets from the US, and only the left parties are calling to cancel the deal.
If it makes you feel any better, we have a joke in Austria that we might as well not have an army, because we border 1) NATO, 2) Switzerland, and if either of those become a threat, we might as well capitulate immediately.
Trump’s declaring war against Canada, my country, is certain, within 2-2.5y, maximum.
I only think you're optimistic in the time frame. I'm expecting within 6 months, Trump will try. He will fail, because he fails to understand how many USians will take up arms to defend Canada, from within the US itself.
Once that happens, it's game over for the US. I honestly think it will be the spark that causes civil war, and this time, a dissolution of the union.
I project within 10 years, the United States will consist of about 15 states, and the rest of the states will be split into their own countries, with one of them possibly incorporated into Canada.
My guess is the NE gets turned into another province, and the Pacific Coast states will be the own country; in the end, likely about 20 years out.
Oh, while the US is waging TOTAL WAR against Canada, 3y from now, if anyone think that China-backed-Russia isn't going to be rampaging Europe, they're mindblind/incompetent.
This is THE GREAT FILTER: humankind's species-"puberty".
Grow-up transformation either will be earned, by some remnant of our world's people,
the galaxy will be silent of our-kind, permanently, by the end of this century, forever.
Natural Selection, it's called, within an Extinction Event, too..
I don't know what form of stroke you just had, but as a fellow Swiss - [email protected] summarized it beautifully. To stay on topic, with our current military / defence setup; we're fucked.