tax fuel to the point where your economy freezes/dies, & now you have civil-war on your hands..
Subsidize the stuff, & you may postpone it..
Sometimes politics enforces that you act against strategic-viability in order to protect your currently-existing "government"..
Politics isn't strategic: it is tactical, only..
The Dems had the opportunity to do something,
& they instead committed assumption-of-victory & making-believing-of-victory.
Those don't work.
Trump promised his followers they'd never have to vote again.
Don't expect to be able to escape Trump's rule:
they've literally 10's of thousands of appointees lined-up to prevent civil-rights from ever interfering with their highjacking of the country.
It wouldn't surprise me if Trump had the entire Dem electorate arrested, shortly after stepping-in, & had someone torture/interrogate some of them, until a "confession" was produced, & then hanged them all, outside of the gov't buildings.
I don't think he's got the balls to do that, but he's openly admired Putin's psychopathy, & through the years, he's becoming more & more psychopathic himself..
where will he draw the line, today? tomorrow? the following season? the next year?
The Dems gave away their chance.
I don't expect them to ever get any chance to correct anything, now.
Some changes are permanent, in spite of "status quo's" pretending that nothing changes..
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( sorry I replied 2x: I didn't remember having replied, before..
brain-injury, so memory problems.
I'll leave both up, to show that I'm daft, is all.
Apologies : )
I"ve read that the EU's working on setting-up a standing army, small, but actual, & directly deployable..
According to this, nope:
it does seem strange, though:
the extra-delay of extra-layers-of-bureaucracy is idiotic, in some situations, &
NATO's gutted, once Trump steps-in, as he's a Putin ally, openly..
it'd be SANE to be doing that, with Trump & Putin dominating the world, in mere-weeks..
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Thank you for giving us the background to better understand!
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You suggest that our world offers only ( colonial ) "help" or ( outright-machiavellian ) "help", but not actual-honest-help..
I think you're right!
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Replace "religion" with ideology/prejudice/"religion"/programming, & you've got it.
Don't discount "secular religion", as it's every bit as cancerous as the other kinds of ideology/prejudice.
I consider political-motivation to be a mental-illness: apolitical is the only SANE motivation, that's clear..
( political-motivation is essentially a virus: IF you accept this ideology's-dominion, THEN the ones who benefit will benefit, & we ignore all the harm done..
That isn't good-enough, for me.
See things as they ACTUALLY are, not as politics asserts they are, & then set about objectively being coherently-constructive..
but that requires fighting-off ALL ideologies, as they cannot-tolerate objectivity! it is poison to them!! )
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Wait until you find-out about "recognized" evidence vs "not scientifically valid" evidence..
To me that's Greenland icemelt water, which, being freshwater, & therefore less-dense than salt-water, forms a skimcoat on the North Atlantic.
To the Consensus Science Establishment, it's hogwash to claim so, because they haven't authorized that to be scientifically valid.
What ELSE could have produced it, except icemelt??
Here's some climate-scientists admitting that NONE of their climate-models have included Greenland icemelt until 2024,
& that when you include that, then the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current .. visibly has been shutting-down since 1950 or so.
This-decade, they expect that there will be more than a MILLION FEWER CUBIC-KILOMETRES of water flowing through AMOC, than in the 1940-1950 decade.
Thanks to "only the Authorized speak Valid Science" paradigm, then worthless people like us, who insist that not-only is The Cold Blob climate-significant, it's ecologically significant, as it's got to be poisoning all zooplankton who get caught in it ( due to its low-salt ), thus trashing part of the ecology of a HUGE area of our planet..
our stating-the-fucking-obvious is nonvalid.
My religion's Empiricism: it doesn't matter "who" you are: IF it's true, THEN it's true.
You can be a homeless person with no highschool, you can be a many-times-degreed person with a Nobel Prize, & IF it tests-to-be-true, THEN it tests-to-be-true.
Consensus "Science" is Scientism: it works by holding that itself is valid, & all outside itself isn't.
This "Consensus Science" ignored huge, important evidence, until it was too-late.
7 decades too late, in AMOC's case.
at 2C warmer it'll be 33% shut-down.
England's going to be having Canadian climate, this-century.
Kiss their food-growing-capacity for their traditional crops, goodbye.
The real problem is that the proper paradigm is Empiricism, but then you have to decide on each piece of evidence/information,
& to do that, you have to have people who decide..
Establishment defaults to deciding that itself is valid, & outsiders are nonvalid.
Empiricism has to do differently, but that takes more energy, more work, more integrity, etc, & therefore is more-fragile..
Which is why establishment-self-importance has such an easy time displacing integrity from our world..
It could be done, but would require a systems-of-systems approach to identifying validity in scientific evidence..
Now try mapping that from science to populations:
What are the criteria for "a valid people"?
What are the criteria for "right to self-govern"?
Do you see how no matter who decides, others are offended by that specific decision?
How the upright will decide things 1 way, but the machiavellian-psychopaths will decide in fundamentally-different ways, consistently?
Do you see how IF you decide to do The Right Thing, now there are very-heavily-armed-thugs who will murder one's family & self, in order to prevent one from "infringing on the mafia's turf", to remap the international-politics onto organized-crime?
It isn't politically-possible to Do The Right Thing, & survive having done that, right?
Therefore, one tries to find what compromise .. one can live-with, for now ..
& .. then one finds one is trapped in multiple abusive-relationships, & can't get out, without making things even worse ..
& this is approximately the current-situation of every country ( with uprightness ) in the world.
It only is possible to lose-less, if one is careful, in this world-game..
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You noticed that too, did you?
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He'll gut NATO, & he'll openly help Putin.
The only question left is to-what-degree, & when.
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We can't, though:
there's too-many propagandists working for enemy-states WITHIN our countries, now..
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Please keep in mind that independent-journalism isn't allowed, in China,
so .. those numbers may be more propaganda than objective
.. and it isn't just those-numbers, it is the entirety of all information about the Chinese economy which is suspect..
Remember Evergrande group?
They suspended trading of it, due to its imploding, & kept it suspended for, what, 2.5y?
Then it imploded within hours, when re-listed..
They're hard disallowing their entire-economy's implosion,
just as the Biden administration's been doing, after that recent multiply-the-currency-by-7x-but-don't-allow-inflation bullshit they did
( "quantitative easing" has consequences! )
WHEN deciding on which economic-system one wants to be in, it would be wise to decide also on how much percentage of propaganda in one's statistics one is willing to settle for, right?
That too is a dimension of the economy!
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Perhaps normal "interpretation", but a spectacular misinterpretation of what he meant..
What you eat is the body/living-substance of LivingSpirit
What you drink is the "blood"/essence of LivingSpirit
ALL living-food is sacred.
He was telling people to focus on the prana they were eating/drinking, but in an Abrahamic-religion translation of it, & we've only got a distorted rendition of it to go from, too.
Try comparing it with what the Hopi say, & see how it's the same thing, just in differen lingo..
( & yes, the way the Christian bible distorts things sometimes makes it nearly-impossible to see-through-the-cultural-gunk,
but once cracked-open, truth can be remarkably resilient )
( a completely-unrelated brilliant-insight in their bible is in Rev:
the John who wrote Rev was given the Book of Truth to eat..
in his mouth, syrupy-sweet..
in his belly, bitter..
Superficial-symbolic-truth is syrupy-sweet.
Digested-truth, experience-induced-understanding-that-goes-right-through, is bitter.
Perfectly nailed the diff between superficial-symbolic-"truth" and bitter-all-context-considered-all-confounding-factors-too-Truth.
I've never seen any Christian identifying that profound psychological-truth, as what it is: they just memorize stuff by rote, not really-understand it?
shruggeth )
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This is true, but the robo-parasites we call "platforms" are engineered to prey-on, not protect or safeguard, their prey.
Always keep that in mind.
The 1st defense a moneyarchist corporation/"person" states, is always ( as somebody pointed-out ) "we didn't violate the law", aka "we didn't commit a legal crime",
which doesn't mean "we're innocent".
Also remember that until convicted of crime, they're "innocent", in Common Law usage, ttbomk..
What's required isn't robo-parasites which exist to "monetize" the consumption of human-life, through "interaction-addiction",
but rather something not-for-profit, which puts their-LivingWorth 1st, & hard-blocks parasitism/predators, etc..
_ /\ _
Thank you for posting this: all points important to be considering.
_ /\ _
yt was social-media, before they ripped-out massive quantities of comments, for things like, you know,
- fact checking
- linking to Wikipedia
- not pushing the disinformation they find so profitable
- being objective
- calling-out disinformation-pushers, establishment or otherwise
Now that they've got an autodelete on any comment linking to Wikipedia, the're not really "social media" anymore, now they're "social" media, if you see the difference..
( propaganda-for-profit, & controlled, deeply. )
_ /\ _
Sysadmins & mods are exepted, right?
( that's a joke, for any sysadmins or mods
q :
: )
Thank you!
I didn't notice that, on my own!
_ /\ _
Thank you for providing that link
_ /\ _
Autopilot shouldn't be accelerating the boat:
it should be .. you know .. maintaining heading or/and maintaining speed, & NOT "accelerating" the thing..
that .. doesn't compute.
_ /\ _
You mean like when Russia shot-down a jetliner which was off-course due to an avionic-error, years ago?
That started a war?
Since Firefox/Android won't allow bug-reports, maybe you care to know.. FF/PrivateTab Downloads not being put in Download folder.
Firefox 131, btw.
To replicate this bug,
go to
tap-hold on one of the documents there,
download link..
Where is it?
It isn't in Downloads..
Firefox says it was downloaded successfully..
OK, so what happens if I Open it?
It opens!!
So, it's saving it to its cache,
& calling that "downloaded", or something??
It's bullying/wrong/abuse, is what it is.
BTW, it doesn't matter if I've tossed all my apps, then rebooted the tablet,
nor does it matter if I toss Firefox & on restarting it just try opening the document in a different private-tab ( open link in new private-tab ), then use the Download button in the top-left:
FF's still fucking me over for the documentation I'm trying to get.
It does seem to be a Heisenbug, intermittent & .. not obvious what the hell the key is, to make it predictable..
Last boot-session it had allowed me to get the Specs .pdf,
but then none of the Application Notes ( damn ALL of them ) appeared in the Downloads folder, when I checked..
Maybe it's seeing if the file has EVER been downloaded, or tried-to-download, & if so, it's vetoing my getting my hands on it?
( if anybody cares:
the Nucleo-64 boards that "Bare Metal C", a NoStarch Press book, works with, apparently include the Nucleo-F091RC board, which may be more powerful than the board that "Bare Metal C" was written for.
I can't remember the details, but this particular board should be compatible, and have more memory, at least.
This microcontroller is the one on the Nucleo-F091RC board.
That is why I want to be reading the Reference Manual & the Programmer's Manual, & all the Application Notes for it..
Someday I'll be able to afford the hardware, too.. : )
PS: If this community wants my bug-report deleted from here,
( & obviously Mozilla removed their bug-reporting feature from Firefox/Android, to eradicate bug-reports from Android FF users )
then remove this, & that's fine.
I've no problem with either way:
world wants it gone,
XOR world permits the bug-report to exist.
_ /\ _
try hitting that page in ff/android, in a tablet, in landscape format: I get a bright window top-left, all else is darkened.
Maybe other people don't get the results I'm seeing, but it makes that page unusable in ff.
Brave has no problem rendering the page, though.
Anyways, since it seems to be a bug in ff, and I've learned that ff doesn't want any feedback from mobile-devices people, the bug report can be here,
or be deleted to not be fixed,
or whatever: I don't care, anymore.
Integrity requires that it be noted, but..
No Starch HumbleBundle includes "How Linux Works", THE SysAdmin fundamentals book, 3rd edition.
IT pros, this book bundle will get you up to speed with DevOps, teach you Linux tips and tricks, and demystify containerization. Your purchase helps charity!
Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition", "The Practice of Network Security Monitoring", etc...
IF you can't afford the Safari subscription, which I presume would include all of these,
AND you want thorough competence in the fundamentals
THEN you really probably want to know some of these ones.
I'd require the current edition of "How Linux Works" as the bedrock understanding of anyone who wanted to be working SysAdmin or DevOps, anywhere, any time.
This entire bundle is the same price as "How Linux Works" alone is, in my local ebook platform.
Our ignorance costs us, right?
We can reduce the price it makes us, and our world, pay, through more competent knowing of our fundamentals:
don't allow mistakes, or faulty-process, or malicious-actors, any leverage, you know?
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!
_ /\ _
Logitech k780 wireless keyboard bug, after bt sleeps, it sometimes reconnects to the wrong device for the device-button you'd paired.
( I've just been treated by the Logitech chatbot as a complete incompetent moron, and it won't let me file a bug-report with them, unless I open them to even more such abuse, through email, so fsck 'em.
YOU get to see the bug-report, but if Logitech never sees it, that's their problem.
I want suckers who bought this expensive keyboard knowing what it's doing, however, and that requires the correct description be findable on the 'web. )
Sometimes after bluetooth powerdown, or switching either the tablet or keyboard off, it becomes impossible to reconnect to the tablet..
The device-button which is supposed to be connecting the keyboard to the tablet, can't..
Accidentally, I discovered that it had .. reconnected to my phone, while failing to reconnect to my tablet, but the device-button for my tablet was the one lit-up..
So, either
the phone & tablet are confused, and are scrambling-up their identities, re bluetooth pairing, so that the phone's using the tablet-credentials to connect, and the tablet then can't connect to the keyboard, XOR
the keyboard's confused, and is using its device-1 memory-stored-settings for device-2
I don't know which is the case, and have unpaired it from my phone, completely, but this bullshit is still happening.
I've had to re-pair the damn thing to my tablet about 2 dozen times in the last month, and it's fscking annoying.
IF you're encountering problems with your Logitech K780 wireless keyboard fucking up,
open up your other devices, and get apps up you can type into, to see if the damn keyboard is pretending that it's trying to pair to the proper device, but it has already paired with another of your devices
Nothing on
is correctly describing this effect.
Let the world know the truth, in spite of Logitech's blocking of the correct information.