This could be an ICCU failure, where the high voltage battery doesn't properly charge the 12V. I have an EV model that is known to have this issue (luckily I haven't had it happen). It can be caused by either hardware or software faults. Still pathetic though lol
Edit: the cyber truck apparently doesn't have a 12V but rather a 48V system. I'm not sure if this same issue or a similar one is happening, or something else entirely.
Depends on the car brand. Some kept their dependance on software quite low like Mazda. Some decided to take a risk with the software gods and tie their entire functionality to it while simultaneously laying off good workers and rehiring the lowest bidder.
The worst bug I had on my car had the onboard computer not starting, and the screen remaining black. It meant I had: no GPS, no music, no backup camera, and no parking sensor.
But apart from that, the car was driving perfectly normal, and all the other features were working as expected.
Not that common, I think most places try to flash the ECU and if that doesn't work they chuck it. I would not be surprised if a lot of software bugs get resolved as a bad ECU.