The fact that this guy posts this on X with a paid-for blue checkmark tells you everything about why Trump won and why he'll keep winning. The left has made almost no effort to win the information space. They just lose and then celebrate when some of the harm falls back on MAGA.
How about his for a change: Win. Try to win. Stop kowtowing to right wing information propaganda spaces that stifle the left like X, Fox News, and Rogan. Fight them like the right fights the left in the information space. True, you won't get to celebrate when your neighbor suffers from Trump, but it'll be because he didn't vote Trump in the first place.
I saw the
"Dems are the Uvalde cops Magas are the shooters."
And goddamn it salpped ever since. You guys need to get a real 3rd party that is real grassroots socialist.
You expect a "both sides" maga to know that? Seeing all these "it's the dem's fault for not telling us how shit trump would treat us" folks is crazy. Everyone want to blame the dems for the lepords.
It’s amazing how everyone doing everything right is a leftist and everyone they disagree with/who isn’t doing things right is a liberal. That’s why leftists are in position of power!
Right, those are the same democrats actively helping Trump. Hey, good job on those performative sit downs in congress, you guys are really fighting the good fight! I’ve always said that nothing beats fascism like a not-too-strongly worded letter. At the rate things are going, it practically doesn’t matter that you ushered in a red wave and lost the House, Senate, Presidency, and Supreme Court, and probably destroyed democracy.
Now run along back to brunch before the wine is gone!
everyone in the country should be liberal. but it seems most just ignore the term and definition behind it though and just assume only left/democrats want to have freedom
good lord, its always the dems fault! 'why oh why didn't we run a racist rapist who promises to ban an entire religion! someone who has bankrupted casinos! someone who cant run a charity for cancer kids!? a fraud university!? clearly its the dems fault ! they didn't excite me enough! i demand perfection!'
two different standards and yet americans are still blaming democrats.
No, it's (1) proximity to massive online psyop campaigns put forth by BRICS (BIGGEST FACTOR) (2) profound loneliness and social isolation and (3) low information/bad internet hygiene
welp maybe im old but ive known this since at least 9/11 times. everything except brazil didnt they get rid of their dictator recent? anyways interesting to hear it called bricks and im glad people are aware. thank you for the breakdown