Were you unaware of the last 10 years of Niantec/Google openly admitting that they were using camera and location data to train their models? Were you blinded by the fun of the game? Or did you just think the data you were uploading wasn’t that important?
Yes, I was aware though under the impression of improving geospatial and mapping models. There are many ways in which we are now entwined into these systems and so it's a matter of deciding, on a personal level, what you are comfortable with.
I am certainly not comfortable with the data going to Saudi Arabia where access to such is used for active suppression and harm.
Maybe it was a naive viewpoint at the time, but the climate of 2016 was very different to what it is now.
Niantic and Google are (were?) not companies with very strong links to the Saudi Arabian government.
I've seriously reconsidered how much I use Google in recent months, but Google and Niantic aren't owned by a government that is incredibly repressive and discriminatory of people like myself.
Yes, absolutely, which is why I'm moving away from those services. This just speeds things up in the case of PoGo since Saudi Arabia has has been much, much more blatant and apparent with this in prior years (c.f. The tragic case of Eden Knight).
I don't usually buy the "but it's ok if the company is American!!!" accusations because no corporation should be abusing your privacy, but I was just sitting here wondering why they think it is suddenly not ok if a foreign company is the one harvesting data.
I remember it being pretty big news when it was revealed, with government agencies making the app forbidden for their employees.
Yip, absolutely. Which is why I'm moving away from big tech products (one of the reasons I'm on Lemmy!).
Saudi Arabia is considerably worse though for LGBT rights so I don't think there is any benefit in pushing whataboutism in this case. Both are awful, one is definitively more so.
Bold of you to assume this wasn't always the plan for Pokemon Go. A ton of online services are basically designed from the get go to be mass surveillance machines and the founders know they're eventually going to be sold as exactly that.
Just wait until the "sovereign fund" trump is starting puts up assets like "former national park", "federal water rights", "state and federal timber land"..it's all just an asset to be plundered to him. A hotel company to flip.
Yeah, but beforehand it was just a bad game (i don't play it, but it's clearly popular) but now it's directly profiting the worst group alive. If there wasn't a reason to leave before, there 100% is now.
Yeah. The second they announced it would be a thing, I said "what a great way to collect users data, and sell it to companies. PASS!
I'm known as someone who in general predicts the worst case scenario, and then time and time again is proven right. Even I didn't predict the ones buying this location data would be the Saudi government. I'm not surprised. I'm just surprised there's levels BELOW my pessismistic mindset, and now we're going there.
I never predicted nazis in usa government. I never predicted the usa government would be used as a shadow government for russia.
I viewed it more as "ugh, can you imagine going as low as I think we will? It's going to be bad.....". And now we're sinking so much lower. I THOUGHT we hid bedrock a few years ago. The only big thing I predicted that hasn't happened yet is the second american civil war. I still think it's coming, but now other things are going much lower than I thought they ever could.