What exactly does that mean? I have switched to proton because of their open-source nature and to branch out from google. I don't really care what the proton founders are doing as long as my data isn't sold by google. In that case nothing will change for me, am I right?
Hate to break it to you, but "swiss security laws" don't mean jack if your outside of Switzerland. In 2022, ProtonMail Complied with 5,957 Data Requests from the FBI. See here.
As a Swiss national, please don't blindly believe you're immune because it's Swiss and that the Swiss law has got you covered. Swiss companies are just as shady as American ones.
That statistic isn't particularly useful. They complied with requests, but their response might have been "We don't know anything."
The only thing they can provide in regards to email is an IP address, which can be circumvented by using the VPN, which doesn't log IP addresses. You obviously shouldn't have a recovery email on your account, so they can't provide that.
In my case, I couldn't care less if they provided my IP address. I'm not doing anything illegal, I just prefer my email to be stored encrypted so server admins can't read it.