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Should English stay the lingua franca of Europe?

There were many lingua francas of which French was supposedly the first global lingua franca. That changed and it became English (from what I understand). We will probably see another language become the lingua franca, so my question is: should it be English? Are there better candidates out there? Why / why not?


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  • Latinam magnam iterum faciamus. 😎 🥂 🧐

    • Not even my hate for the US or Britain is enough for me to learn Latin. I had this shit for 5 years and I didnt learn anything. Fuck this bullshit.

      • 😂😂😂 I had to learn this crap for 5 years, too. And all I can remember is the one sentence which I learned:

        "Gallia est divisa in partes tres."

        But I don't know for what this is good for. 🤭

        • I know the first few sentences from the first lection of my first Latin book

          Uni est Quintus? Quintus in hortus est. Quinte, Quinte, Caecilia clamat"

          That basically all I remember.

          • 🤔 when I see this: do you mean "Ubi est"?

            My first sentence was: "Marcus silvam currit." 😂

      • Yea, I think English might become the glue between languages that will strengthen, not weaken the EU, same with the Indian Union (they are both Eurasian peninsulas too :D)