What’s a good magazine for interesting thought provoking articles?
I just realized my library card gives me access to an app I can borrow magazines from. And as someone trying to do less Lemmy scrolling at night and more long form reading, I’m wondering where to start.
I generally like politics, philosophy, interesting facts, history, social issues.
I was telling my kid about woods porn. Which we found a lot as kids. Peoples stash in a bag somewhere in the woods. They seemed to be everywhere. God I'm old...
Back in 2003, me and my friend took a break from band practice.
He said he had a porn collection so off we went through the woods behind his house. After a while we get to this one tree and there’s a shovel behind it.
We go back to his house, on the other side is a river. He starts digging in the river back until he pulls out a buried plastic bag. And he just looks horrified when he looks in.
All the magazines are rotten and broken apart by water.
I don’t know what he was expecting to happen. Or why he hid the shovel in the woods. The whole time I was so confused.
We grew up in a very Catholic place that was very poor.I think ours were form men hiding it from families. They didn't have shops or mancaves or whatever they had the woods.