My problem is we have three teenagers of our own plus an extra one who lives with us 60% of the time. Two of them are vegetarian but eat eggs for protein. The rest of us just like eggs. We go through about 3-4 dozen a week.
Yeah I eat quite a few plant-based meals but I'm glad they're vegetarians who are okay with dairy and eggs and not fully vegan. I don't know if I could afford two vegans in the house on top of the other four of us. Food costs are crazy right now. I think having hand raised backyard chickens who love to be held and love to give their eggs, that made the difference. Not all poultry farming or milk production is traumatic. If I could get a little more land I'd think about a few milk cows so I could make my own cheese.
Fancy processed meat replacements are insanely expensive. Vegan diets? Man that's the cheapest shit there is. Most of the world lives off a similar diet due to poverty.