It's especially entertaining with a Dutch accent rather than a Flemish one, as that "g" in "wagen" is said in a very unusual way compared to pretty much all other European languages and accents.
Mind you, it's strangely pleasant to say it that way for me as a non-native, and having picked up the local version of "God damn it" (which has a similar sounding "g") as an expletive when I lived there, now - almost 2 decades later - it still just comes out in its own when I'm pissed at something.
I quit a few months after those came out in my province, and it was a bit of a shock the first time I saw them; but then like most things, they just became stripes on the butt. I probably wasn't their target audience though.
While they didn't make me quit, (I had already decided on my "quit date"), I will say the extra graphic warning pictures were pretty damm effective for starting that conversation with self. I had to take a sharpie to a few packs.