What are you even talking about? They wrote: "My issue, as someone with their feet in two canoes, as they say, is with the mentality that rural populations are rounding areas [sic] unworthy of discussion or consideration. Broad statements that erase rural existence is alienating to these admittedly small percentages, but is alienating nonetheless." My entire comment is spent addressing that paragraph. I'm sorry I chose to focus on the core point of their comment?
It's unrelated because you've constructed a strawman who doesn't want expansion of public transit who you're thrashing when literally nobody has said that and literally everyone here has explicitly said they want expansion of public transit.
One needs to construct a strawman when the person you're arguing with has made no attempt to make any kind of actual argument, and just thrust a single word into a discussion.
Maybe construct an argument of your own to get defensive about before reacting so harshly.
I could and did forgive the original response for exactly the reason you said.
But in my follow up, I clarified my position and point, and that being ignored is why I'm stating it as being a strawman. I explicitly said I support public transportation.
Let me say it again: I explicitly said I support public transportation.
How many times need it be said before buddy stops characterizing my position as being against public transportation?
Where was this forgiveness you're speaking of? All I see is you saying "I support public transport... but what about rural people? Their opinion matters!"
What is their opinion? You've made literally no mention of that... only that they should have an opinion, and people should listen to it.
Great. That's fine. What is it, then? Cause you've given nothing other than a whole lot of whinging about nothing.
Read the comment chain again? After buddy's initial response I just plainly outlined my position. I wasn't like "you idiot, how could you possibly misunstand my one-word comment" because that would be insane and unfair.
After my explanation, he completely ignored literally everything I had said and at that point it became obvious they were arguing with a strawman.
Unless you can help me connect the dots between "I support public transit, I want north america to have what Europe has" and their bizarre assertion that somehow I'm arguing against it, then I don't know how anyone could say that their response was even the slightest bit related to what I'd written.