How to change qBittorrent admin password in docker-container? [help] [solved]
How to change qBittorrent admin password in docker-container? [help] [solved]
I'm currently trying to spin up a new server stack including qBittorrent. when I launch the web UI, it asks for a login on first launch. According to the documentation, the default user id admin and the default password is adminadmin.
For qBittorrent ≥ v4.1, a randomly generated password is created at startup on the initial run of the program. After starting the container, enter the following into a terminal:
docker logs qbittorrent
or sudo docker logs qbittorrent
(if you do not have access to the container)
The command should return:
******** Information ******** To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:5080 The WebUI administrator username is: admin The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session: G9yw3qSby You should set your own password in program preferences.
Use this password to login for this session. Then create a new password by opening http://{localhost}:5080 and navigate the menus to -> Tools -> Options -> WebUI ->Change current password. Don't forget to save.
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When I install qbittorrent via docker, I see this in the docker logs:
qbittorrent-1 | 2024-11-04T15:25:25.201955254Z The WebUI administrator username is: admin qbittorrent-1 | 2024-11-04T15:25:25.201974066Z The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session: H7ct3xPes
That's the default admin credentials for the instance. I can then change the login or pw in the UI.
Where do I find that information? What is the exact command that I should type?
Lol. Thank you. Part of the frustration of being a beginner in any space is that it's not easy to discern which questions have simple answers and which are more complicated.
From the search you linked, it looks like this is as simple as typing the command
docker logs
I'll give that a try, once I have access to the server again.
Also if you've never seen it, lazydocker might be something up your alley.
It's a TUI, but it provides easy access to docker containers, logs, updating/restarting/stopping/etc them and so on.
It looks like in this case the answer was a little deeper than a simple search, but no worries - you set me in the right direction. I'll add the solution to the post.