Seems weird you'd think the "end goal" of accepting people is so everyone can use boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever partner just seems so disconnected and formal
My partner is not a girl, she's a woman, and she more than a friend to me. She is my partner in life. So yes, it is more formal than "girlfriend." That's the point.
And no, I won't marry her. We're not religious, and we don't believe the government should have any input in our relationship. We'll happily have a ceremony, but she will still be my partner at the end of it.
It theoretically shouldn't be a problem here. We're listed as each others primary emergency contacts, and we've been together longer than 2 years, which over here grants you most of the same privileges as marriage anyway. So it hopefully won't be an issue. I just hope we never have to test that.
Actually, where I know it will matter is if one of us had to die unexpectedly, but that can be negated by just having a proper will drawn up... which, come to think of it, we should really do...
seems like there needs to be something better/higher than partner, if partner can be thrown around so willy nilly like people working together being partners
I didn't think I was enforcing any rules just felt like people are missing out on something special, it's not like there hasn't been a long fight to get equal marriage rights