The Washington Post is reporting that Federal emergency-response staffers in hard-hit Rutherford County, North Carolina were directed on Saturday to stop working and move to a different area due to concerns about “armed militia” members on the prowl...
Hurricane recovery officials in N.C. relocated amid report of ‘armed militia... out hunting FEMA.’
I immediately went to the Rorschach-inspired masked gang from the Watchmen show.
Though that's very obviously playing off of the Klan and modern Militias.
God, I remember a bunch of my old 'friends' noping out of that show by the end of episode 2 or 3, because it was 'obviously politically biased' and 'waaay too farfetched', 'of course they made the Rorschach guys into racists'.
Totally implausible and needlessly mean spirited portrayal.
Definitely no connection to real life racist yokel moral absolutist hypocrite conspiricists.
It's particularly amazing because this group fashioned themselves movie buffs, often going into trivia around what various actors, directors and what not said in interviews about their own work and methods, differences between different cuts of movies or how true they were to the events or works that inspired them.
Guess they just conveniently dismissed what Alan Moore said about reception of Rorschach.
A bunch of weak cowardly racist assholes... It shows they know what they're doing is wrong & fear the repercussions of their actions.
The "alpha male" personas they're trying to shovel, the moment they're upset about anything they immediately turn into cry babies. They're literally a cult following a orange turd with dementia.