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  • I think it's funny that fans had to come up for a plausible way for there to just be a new Enterprise a very short time after the old one was destroyed.

    It's the sort of thing I think is silly about "serious" fans. Why was there a new Enterprise all ready to go? There just was.

    Just like how Tom Paris went faster than the infinite speed of Warp 10 but wasn't going infinitely fast. He just wasn't.

    Also, while we're at it, the claim that the Millennium Falcon did the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs means "the ship goes really fast." What I love about that one is the convoluted explanation that makes up for the fact that George Lucas didn't know what a parsec was while totally glossing over the fact that somehow falcons exist in another galaxy.

    • Just like how Tom Paris went faster than the infinite speed of Warp 10 but wasn't going infinitely fast. He just wasn't.

      Also, the Enterprise had already traveled faster than warp 10 multiple times in TOS. Just another reason to ignore Threshold?

      • FWIW, the official word from on high was that the idea of warp was revised some time between TOS and TNG. But whatever. I really don't care what "warp 5" means. It doesn't mean anything important except "faster than warp 4 and slower than warp 6."

        If you care about canon, I'm afraid that Lower Decks is considered canonical and Lower Decks has made Threshold canonical.

        But honestly, as long as it entertains me, I'm not really all that bothered by this stuff.

    • Re: Star Wars parsec, it's actually in the script that Obi Wan looks at him like looking at an idiot, seeing the obvious misinformation through. People just saw the movie and made a shitstorm about it, despite it perfectly setting up Obi Wan and Solo characters - a negotiation between a hustler and a wise man.

      • Misinformation about how fast the ship was, not misinformation about what a parsec is:

                             It's the ship that made the Kessel 
                             run in less than twelve parsecs!
                   Ben reacts to Solo's stupid attempt to impress them with 
                   obvious misinformation.

        George Lucas is not a scientist. He just didn't know what 'parsec' meant.

    • somehow falcons exist in another galaxy

      Why not? They speak English.

    • Lore and continuity is the playground equipment of a fandom.

      • Sometimes. But often times people take it way too seriously and there's no need to. "Above warp 10" means super duper fast. That's it. That's the amount of thought that was put into it when it was written.

        Most science fiction TV writers are not scientists. They don't think of things that way. They want a good story, not a 100% plausible one.