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What projects are you working on at the moment?

I have been working on a forum site just to dabble with PHP. I'm dockerising it too to practice docker.


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  • I've spent the last few days working on a chat window plugin for Lord of the Rings Online.

    Their API is rough and abandoned, lol

    • Oh wow that's hardcore, didn't know people were even still making plugins for it. My experience of LotRO is 12 years of occasionally logging in to smoke pipe-weed on the roof of my hobbit house and RP selling dyes in Bree though so I'm not what you might call a power user.

      • Every so often, I log in, make a new Warden character, and play for a bit. Then I get distracted by other projects and games 😁

        I'm pretty sure I have a total of over 10 Wardens at this point. That said, I really love the class. Haven't found an (MMO)RPG that has the same Gambit system as LotRO's Warden class. I might have to try and remedy that.

        Sad to hear the API is so rough though. Would've been neat to make a plugin for the game.

        • This is me with Minstrel, don't even want to know how many of the sodding things I've got dotted around. I often love to play healer but it's a unique take on that role and can be either incredibly satisfying or incredibly annoying depending which instrument you're using and what kind of repetitive noise it makes!

          Crap now I want to play LotRO instead of working.