Still waiting on an example to prove that progressives adopt the opposite policies
Sure, just give me an example of any country without any resources that has a space program. I'll wait. It's what you're arguing after all.
This is the shit you're doing. You're LYING about my position and then demanding that I defend a position I neither stated nor hold. And all because you know you're spouting Republican talking points because you agree with Republicans' racist motivations for their shitty border policy.
And just like you adopted Republican talking points for your support of racist Republican border policy, the instant the party throws trans people under the bus and shifts into reverse and drive a couple dozen times in the vain hopes that they will peel off a few fascist votes, you'll be screaming that there are only two genders.
It's not the same thing at all. You're implying that progressives want open borders yet when progressives get in power they don't open their borders to migrants, they keep applying the same kind of restrictions that Republicans/conservatives want for the same reason they want them. Thus, saying that a country can't just accept to let in anyone and everyone without keeping some control on the influx isn't a Republican/conservative opinion, it's just what countries do no matter who is in power because that's what must be done.
No matter how progressive you are, you won't let just anyone in your house to start living with you and you won't want people to come in through the window to start living in your attic without you knowing, you'll want them to come in through the door so you can meet them and make sure it's someone you want to become your roommate.
I agree with the Democrats as well and with any progressive government anywhere in the world that doesn't stop controlling its country's border so... All of them? And if you don't want opened borders then I'm sorry to tell you that you do in fact agree with that as well!