The first thing I want to do when I wake up is to go back to sleep. The second, third, and fourth through 180,000,000,000th thing I want to do is go back to sleep.
There are only three things that get me out of bed: my dog is hungry or needs to pee, my body is hungry or needs to pee, or the annoying requirement that I have to work in order to give someone all my money so I have a place to sleep.
You're speaking from the point of view of a person who wants to do activities, or at least an activity. For some of us, any physical activity is repellent. Personally, I hate breaking a sweat, and I sweat profusely, at any weight or level of fitness. It's why young me gave up on ballet; I was good enough to start auditioning for a corps, but nobody wants a sweaty swan.
Now you have a point that putting on some music and dancing is less repellent to me than running down the street, but it's still not whatchy'dcall FUN. And I still need a couple cups of coffee, a shit and a shower first, plus of course another shower afterwards.