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as cool as they are the last time a good thinkpad came out was over a decade ago, so u are either just buying a normal laptop same quality as all the others or something so old its basically useless. They arent even cheap anymore cuz everyone wants them, its time to face reality refurbished thinkpads are no longer what they were they are no longer a good deal nor particularly good quality, u would probably be better off buying some random gaming laptop most of them are pretty well put together, easy to take apart and upgradable tho thick and heavy.
This simply isn't true. They are still cheap even for decent stuff. I got a T15 Gen 2 when it was 2.5yrs old for about $400 on eBay. You're not going to get an even remotely decent laptop in most cases for that kind of money. And to be clear, I love old Thinkpads. I have them going back to the IBM days.
Modern Thinkpads: -easy to work on -plenty fast for most things -still made of the carbon composite and magnesium chassis we like -hinges are beefy -upgradeable ram -available with GPU -lighter and easier to daily than any of the old chonks -replaceable keyboard, track pad and track point, and fingerprint -dual thunderbolt connection (and docks are stupid cheap.. I find them for $30 sometimes)
Downsides exist but they're not the end of the world: -one drive slot (drives are huge now, who cares) -8gb of RAM is soldered but the rest is not (max 40gb) -internal battery but laptop is faster and has better battery life than my maxed out T580
refurbished thinkpads are no longer what they were they are no longer a good deal nor particularly good quality
Off-lease enterprise laptops are generally the best deals available for a good laptop for not too much cash. When you can get something 3-5 years old for 1/3 the price of a brand new laptop and know it still has quite a bit of life left, its hard to beat.
yea, thinkpads aren't the only laptops that can be bought used
Some gaming laptops are good, but others are just as crappy as normal laptops. New smaller thinkpads are still good enough, if you need a small laptop.
I have a decent gaming laptop It's a pain in the ass for collage tho I didn't buy it for collage but I also can't really afford to buy something else
It's too big and the battery life sucks
Basically the least portable laptop
Laptops can be compared to cars, you can buy an economical car (with higher range and lower costs, but less power) or a sporscar/muscle car (terrible economy, loud, but higher performance)
Thinkpads were never cheap around here. Asus are cheap. The quality is many orders of different.
Depends on what you do. my daily driver is a $20 x200. works great for my needs. But I don't game