Hi, I was writing a campaign setting that was meant to be a heavy metal, sword and sorcery, Robert Howard style setting.
Trouble is I'm stuck for a system, initially I went with DnD 5e just cos it has so many tools for making monsters and encounters, but then I picked PbtA as a particularly troperific system.
Now I'm kinda stuck, cos PbtA doesn't seem to have as much meat on it. Anyone have any advice or suggestions for systems?
Savage Worlds might be more what you're looking for. A bit more crunch than PbtA but not as much crunch as 5e or PF2, also there would be less work to convert the setting you're creating.
@Dee@AccoSpoot@rpg#SW is a good d&d adjacent option between new- and old-school. If you’re looking a more contemporary aesthetic then #Lucky13 is an option.
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