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A Future Without Work - Fully Automated Luxury Communism (FALC) could free us from the capitalist shackles of useless toil. A Future Without Work

Fully Automated Luxury Communism (FALC) could free us from the capitalist shackles of useless toil.

Fully Automated Luxury Communism (FALC) could free us from the capitalist shackles of useless toil.


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  • People here are laughing, but that just might be where we are headed. I'm from the US, so I'm sure we'll hit every branch of the tree we're falling out of before we really get there, but it is happening. The driver: AI, or what I like to call rudimentary AI. We don't need fully sentient AI to accomplish this, just something good enough. Every office job that uses a computer would then be ripe for automation replacement. And I mean every. single. one. Creative? AI has that covered. Programmer, hell you're first up against the capitalist AI wall. They hate paying you. IT, finance, all of it. Ironically, manual labor will be harder to replace because of the costs of robotics. Your first contact of support in chat and phone is already being replaced by chat bots, and that trend will continue. Cars and freight trucks are already being worked on to drive autonomously.

    Soon, we'll find ourselves in a situation where we need Universal Basic Income to avoid mass starvation. From there, this vision of our future can take shape.