What types of metal do you like? I can try to aim if I have an idea of what you're into.
If I'm going just for an out of the blue rec, maybe try Emptiness - Not For Music if you're not already familiar. Belgian black/death band having turned toward the avant garde have left nearly every indication of their more extreme roots on this album, and it's fantastic. All the tracks are great but if you're looking for the "single" maybe try the track Ever.
This is right up my alley; it's going on my collaborative playlist called 'forks in a blender' which is just me and my bud making a playlist.
I really, really like Vvilderness. Huge fan. Also like panopticon, Unreqvited, Witchcraft, Nordic Winter, Skrm (I think?) Elderwind. Psychedelic Witchcraft and Blood Ceremony are up there too.
Ok, I can work with that. If you are a Panopticon fan you may already be familiar with this, but if not it's worth a listen: Eneferens. A little more toward the VVilderness vibe, but essentially purely folk, check out Ekstasis. And to go with the psych vibe, if you haven't heard Hexvessel - Dawnbearer then give that a spin and thank me later.
I'm not sure there's much in the way of branching off from Eneferens. I thought you may have heard of them due to label affiliations. At any rate, glad you are receiving these positively. And yeah, trust that the Hexvessel album is worth some deeper dedicated listening. That's a special album imo; I don't know of anything else that's quite like it.