Mostly because I'm trying to survive and get to the next day. I do not have the financial or social safety net required to do so. Really it's the latter that is the problem. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted a year. It wasn't a quick one and done kind of thing. As a society we are much less socially connected than we were in the past and we don't really have other people to rely on.
I agree with what you are saying, by not marching in the streets I am part of the problem. I don't know man, shit is fucked. I'm doing what I can but it's not much.
I wouldn't be surprised if I end up like one of the White Rose. It hasn't even been a century since then, smh.
One day is still better than 0 days. What you are saying is: we tried nothing and nothing worked.
Right now they are thinking that people dont care. A massive protest would say to them that you are paying attention, and you dont like it. Also, would embolden the democrats into taking action.
Americans have strong feelings about creeping fascism and like to bitch on social media but that’s about the extent of it. They’re too downtrodden and distracted to do much else. In France if they raise tuition 2% the whole country takes to the streets, riots ensue, cars are burnt. In the US, jaw dropping acts of fascism, cronyism, and corruption happen daily and beyond rage posting it’s mostly crickets. At least there is protesting at the RNC.
I only get two weeks paid leave a year. Can't afford to miss work because I need my house more. Live in a reddest of red states where my votes never mean anything. Legitimately I have never voted for anyone that has won.