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GNOME June 2024: C'mon you can do better

New GNOME dialog on the right:

Apple's dialog:

They say GNOME isn't a copy of macOS but with time it has been getting really close. I don't think this is a bad thing however they should just admit it and then put some real effort into cloning macOS instead of the crap they're making right now.

Here's the thing: Apple's design you'll find that they carefully included an extra margin between the "Don't Save" and "Cancel" buttons. This avoid accidental clicks on the wrong button so that people don't lose their work when they just want to click "Cancel".

So much for the GNOME, vision and their expert usability team :P


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  • Both designs are good imo. Adding the extra space for the "cancel" button could cause a copyright claim so I think that's a viable reason why it's absent in GNOME. And I don't see anything wrong in copying Apple design. They can do what they want and the new design is very nice in terms of ease of understanding and accessibility potentials. GNOME's workflow is similar to Apple's so why not copy some more things for better consistency?

    • We shouldn't design desktops to avoid copyright claims. Desktops should just create original designs that make sense for the goals of the desktop. We don't need to make changes based on Windows 11 or Mac OS. They aren't separate entirely and irrelevant.

      • Do you mean that any copying is bad or any copying is ok as long as it helps achieve the goals?

        • When you copy the outcome is almost always going to be worse than the original. Do your own thing and be the person or project you want to be. You don't need to care outside of the project.

          • This. But 99% of the internet will hate your project for absolutely anything they don't like in it and it will kill the project because distros won't want to use it.

    • Both designs are good imo. Adding the extra space for the “cancel” button could cause a copyright claim

      What ahaha since when a modal is copyrighted? I don't buy it, this is simply poor design by the GNOME team.

      GNOME’s workflow is similar to Apple’s so why not copy some more things for better consistency?

      Exactly my point, but they should learn how to properly copy things. Or at least think about them, Apple didn't add the margin for no reason.