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Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction

Kyle Rittenhouse is unwilling "to provide or contribute to our family," according to his sister.

Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction

Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."


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  • Now, THIS is delicious schadenfreude.

    • The fundraiser has now received $5,214 out of the $3,000 requested, likely thanks to the exposure from the article (it was sitting at $1,920 at publishing time).

      Schadenfreude, meet Streisand Effect.