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Joe's Red Storm

  • Defining Dark Humor

  • Finally feeling good after yonks

    After shitloads of mental health debacles I'm finally feeling good. And even though it's gonna be late, I'm finally having the balls to upload yet another video. Sadly, it's not about The Young Turd's transphobia debacle though it will be about some shit an anarchist said that's too funny not to share.

    Good luck I suppose.

    • Cmrd. MLGJoe
  • Why Are All Cops Bastards?

    Answer: The law is a joke.

  • How to make the “radio” effect (walkie talkie) in any editing program

    Ya know that radio sounding effects on some parts of some songs? Here's the tutorial. Just cut off a big chunk of the bass and treble like in this example !

  • Vaush in Ohio ☠️

  • Rare China L

    >English: > > As much as I support the People's Republic of China and the CPC, I agree that TikTok is by far the worst platform ever created other than Twitter. Some of the worst qualit [sic] content I have ever seen combined with some disturbing shit like Nyquil chicken and devious licks (thankfully Douyin censors the latter). > > There's a reason my TikTok account has far less activity than (Twitter), the KKKringe is too hard to bear. > > 中文(谷歌翻译) > > 尽管我支持中华人民共和国和中国共产党,但我同意 TikTok 是迄今为止除 Twitter 之外最糟糕的平台。我见过的一些质量最差的内容加上一些令人不安的狗屎,比如 Nyquil 鸡和狡猾的舔(谢天谢地抖音审查了后者)。 > > 我的 TikTok 帐户的活跃度远低于是有原因的,KKKringe 太难受了。

  • Official Statement on The Recent Crackdown on Adblockers

    In light of YouTube's attempt to crackdown on adblockers, starting today I will no longer allow ads on all of my YouTube channels to run. As YouTube continues to rot at a increasing rate I now recommend using YouTube frontends like whatever and to also ban all advertisers from hosting ads on your YouTube channels.

    We shall not let corporate advertisers claim supremacy over YouTube. it is now time for YouTubers to unionize and begin organizing.

  • Today is the 78th anniversary of Benito Mussolini's execution.

    cross-posted from:

    > Rest in piss fascist scum

  • The American people are not their government. Understanding this is vital for revolution in the heart of the empire.

    An awakening is happening in the imperial center. Half a century of progressively severe attacks against the working class; the construction of a war machine that preys on working class young people for recruitment; an intelligence apparatus that works to undermine racial, environmental, antiwar, an...

    The American people are not their government. Understanding this is vital for revolution in the heart of the empire.
  • Vaush video is now out

    It's almost done uploading, it's gonna be public as soon as possible.

    be advised it's cut down massively due to the long hiatus.

  • Repudiate the Anti-Queer Left

    cross-posted from:

    > > On The Question of The Homosexual and the Queer > > > > "Should we accept the Homosexual and the Queer into ranks?" > > > > The Anti-Queer Left states "No", to them they are nothing but perverts, unworthy of being deemed worthy of liberation. My response to this question is an irrefutable yes. > > > > Upon closer inspection, they are no different from a man of black skin, bound chains of iron, imperialism, and racism, 200 years ago. Their mere sexuality and views on gender - something worthy of admiration for their centuries of persistence - vitriolically scorned and shunned, all for what? For acknowledging that love and happiness - in the context of the date this essay is written - knows no gender and can be molded however pleased. > > > > Such is the stance the Anti-Queer Left - who are just as much of a sickness as dogmatism - upholds. They see homosexuality and queerness as equally scornful as pedophilia, without realizing that they are in no way the same. > > > > Pedophilia is nothing more than an urge by adults to exploit a group of vulnerable people who can be potentially damaged. > > > > To compare young homosexual love to that of pedophilia is utterly disgusting as unlike pedophilia, it involves a power dynamic in which all parties involve have bargaining power, something pedophilia [inherently] lacks. > > - Johanne L. L. Centino in the ProleWiki Discord (Me)

  • Today's my 17th bday :D

  • Maxwell Frost Doesn’t Mince Words About Ron DeSantis’ Politics: “It’s Fascism”

    Absolutely horrific!

  • Preview: Enough Vaush Spam

    cross-posted from:

    > This is an update on the Vaush video. > > I had to upload to Newgrounds because Lemmygrad doesn't support video. > > Reddit Version

  • [DRAFT} Re: Capitalism is Voluntary: Thought Slime Debunked

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a response I have to Libertarian Scot. > > Main ones: > > 1. My mother is personally works in a store owned by my uncle, she has voluntarily participated despite practically no say in it particularly wages yet is unable to leave because she has no other job to look for. She does not have the sufficient capital to start her own store and even if she has, the low sales - especially given my area has hundreds of similar stores - means she would face difficulty providing for her family of 4, let alone any workers she would hire. The difficulty in securing enough capital to even have your own private property - i.e. means of production used for profit, not personal property like toothbrushes - let alone keeping up with competitors means "voluntary capitalism" is questionable at best. > > 2. I've seen what happens when people voluntarily establish socialist states in formerly capitalist countries. They risk being squashed in one way or another by larger more powerful states backed by capitalists who want nothing but securing their own profits at all cost. If capitalism is voluntary the capitalists has no right to interfere with people's desire for socialism or better yet they have no right to interfere with how they experiment with socialism to best suit their needs. > > > Miscellaneous: > - 1:41 Remember: after the revolution there's a high chance you will be under siege from states hostile to you, especially the US. What do you do? A) Take desperate measures B) choose the opposite of A and you risk regression back to the previous state. Remember that resorting to desperate measures like masking and social distancing has the same reasoning for capitalist countries. > > - 3:18 Redistributing wealth already exists in capitalism even without welfare, it's just from bottom to the top. > > - 7:30 Personal property still existed in socialist states. You still own whatever you have aside from private property - again, private property refers to means of production. > > - 9:11 - 10:01 You still have information of what is produced and where it needs to go, this is where surveys come in, I'm talking examining an area to figure out how to most develop it in. > > - 10:04 There is still an incentive to produce more in the form "we need to make more to provide for the masses"; > > - 11:47 If buying a product - say a printer - is voluntary, how come we have been forced into buying more and more of something every few years, especially given they don't last as long as they used to? The short answer is planned obsolescence. This means the fact we buy products voluntarily can be manipulated to maximize profits above all. Planned obsolescence is especially problematic for other companies as they often spend a lot of money having to replace equipment whose lifespan is deliberately shortened. > > - 11:55 Does that Musk violated individual rights by firing union workers? > > - 14:49 There's a difference between working out of necessity and working out of desire. For example my father - a sailor - is forced to work abroad in subhuman conditions because the wages here in the Philippines are shit, meanwhile a cousin of mine works in photography and still lives comfortably. What's the difference? One has difficulty escaping poverty while the other already has enough. > > - 14:57 I agree with the fact school is god-awful, they condition kids into fearing failure rather than overcoming hurdles. > > - 15:08 The reason why people would overwork themselves is because wages aren't enough to keep up with expenses. Shit getting expensive because the capitalists figured out if they manipulated the supply while demand is high, they can charge more. > > > > Courtesy of Ivan Novoselov on Quora > > "[Around] 100–200 rubles base salary, 200–400 rubles salary for a skilled professional, 400–1000 rubles salary for a highly skilled people in different professions like artists, writers, journalists and so on. USSR had the practice of Northern extra payments, which added up to 150% to base salary in other regions. That incited people to come work in areas with harsh climate and greatly aided development of otherwise neglected region. > > A family of three could easily live on about 100 rubles a month without luxuries. 1 ruble was roughly an equivalent to 1–2 USD in different period (up to late 80s)."

  • How the AmeriKKKan Space Force Works

  • What AmeriKKKa uses to Spread Imperialism

  • I finally had some motivation :D

    cross-posted from:

    > I just had a drain of energy for some reason while making the Vaush video and homework. I am finally making some progress.

  • Thoughts on the whole Velma debacle?

    cross-posted from:

    > I dunno which side to stand on. Should I be concerned with the racebending? Is there something I should be upset about?

  • I wish this returns

  • "What radicalized you?"

    Response to:

    A mix of distaste for Gacha heat, ironic edgy memes, being broke, and watching a bit of actual communist youtubers


    Gacha heat is softcore porn,

    I was already radicalized before being communist, I shifted leftward after Matt Walsh and a few other conservative youtubers collabed with PragerU. .

  • "Apolitical" pisses me off (and doesn't exist)

    cross-posted from:

    > Often times, people misidentify politics as two rich assholes in suits arguing about something that doesn't affect them. Speaking in tongues (specifically in economics) designed to confuse and make it seem like the average person can't participate. This is not the case. Politics is nothing more than how humans relate and organize with each other and how we set up human society. It is NOT putting a piece of paper in a box every 2 or 4 years. It is not duking it out and arguing. That may be a part of it, but it is not the whole. > > It's everything you need - food production, water conservation, shelter and environmental regulations. It's everything you want - makeup, technology, cars, poop emoji pillows. All of it falls under the umbrella of modern society, the factors of production, and ultimately is political. > > With that being said, it is not possible to be an "apolitical" human being in today's world. If you're reserved when it comes to your beliefs, or God forbid "don't have any" you're not being "unbiased" or above everyone who isn't. You are simply choosing not to care or share your thoughts about the controversial, important issues that are constantly debated/need to be acted on in society. Your lack of input on the situation is a political statement in itself, and not a good one. You are showing you are either not affected by it, or are affected and just don't care/believe you can make a change. Either way, you still participate in society without talking or doing anything about these things, and that is radical. > > Point being, we must try to keep others from being a silent centrist/apolitical/moderate and actually stand firm in their beliefs. The time for reserved "agree to disagree" and voting for shit capitalist parties every few years passed long ago. We need to organize, come to basic agreements on what we all as a working class believe, and act on it. > > I think we communists need to be more open and vocal about our beliefs, because we are running out of time. I don't care that we live in a fascist hellhole (I am in the US). We're in more long-term danger living the status quo than we are uniting with those around us to fight it. > > Join a socialist/workers' organization, help with mutual aid, and don't be afraid bring up the difficult things. Don't be obnoxious, but don't just let this "difference in opinion, so I am not going to talk about it" mindset destroy the planet and humanity. Don't let others stick their heads in the sand or doom about "there's nothing we can do" - that thinking will just get us all killed anyways.

  • The Insane Engineering of the F-35B

    Behind the newest bird of AmeriKKKan Imperialism

  • Ultra-based bot

  • I need some help debunking Vaushism

    I'm making a video tearing it down soon.

    Click here for script

  • Ah yes... KKKapitalism

  • Rest In Piss Twitter

  • Late Happy Chinese New Year

    cross-posted from:

    > Random crap I made

  • Thoughts on this?

  • So AmeriKKKa can now wage imperialism in space.

    This is not a joke, this is an actual branch of their military.

    This should be alarming because it's only a matter of time before they start fielding troops in space.

  • KKKocomelon

    Some weird Cocomelon shit.

  • Fantastic takedown of redpillers, alpha males, etc by TommyNFG

  • Is it just me or the GPU prices are intentionally inflated

  • Rare Twitter W

  • To warm my heart :3 <3

    Red Dead Redemption 2 - Finding The KKK Clan & Killing Every Single One

  • Never knew KKKlansmen can be gay lol

  • Manifesto of r/EnoughConsumeristSpam

    Thanks to consumerism demanding we buy more and more goods. We now have the worst quality products of any generation as higlighted by - ironically - Vox; social values such as financial responsibility and frugality are now damaged beyond repair; and its most terrifying implication - damage to the environment - is now clearly worsening as demonstrated by Amazon deliberately destroying literal millions - yes, millions - usable items and putting in landfills.

    It is time we undo this madness. It is time we unite and say #EnoughConsumeristSpam

  • Some shit I found while browsing r/Philippines


  • Thoughts on this? Communism

    Communism is a far-left ideology whose adherents[2] believe that society would be better if it was structured around common ownership of the means of production and the abolition of social classes, money, and the state.[3]

  • Gonna make a shitty video on InfraWiki soon

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