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  • This instance is flyiiing (super fast)!

    After all these recent upgrades, updates and improvements, things are going veeert smoothly and fast!🔥 I think this comment I made about a week ago about experiencing slow responses is no longer valid!

    Sal and anyone else who helped, you did a great job! Thank you!☺️

  • Version update and server upgrade!

    The instance has been updated to version 0.19.4!

    You can see the official release post and notes here:

    Since this update required some manual intervention anyway to update the database version, I took the opportunity to perform some overdue server maintenance and upgrades.

    I have migrated the server to a more powerful configuration, and changed the way image files are being stored and served (object storage as opposed to filesystem storage).

    I am also aware of some federation issues that have affected this and other instances. I am not sure whether this upgrade will deal with these problems automatically. I will be looking into it and hopefully will implement some solution soon.

    Sorry for the downtime experienced in the past few days, but hopefully with the more powerful server the experience will be smoother and will remain so for a while.

    For other admins and users interested, this is a bit of information about the server

    --------- > >The previous configuration: > >Hosting provider: > >8 GB RAM > >4 Core CPU > >50 Mbps network > >400 GB SSD > >Cost: $55 / month

    The 400 GB SSD was being used to store both the server's database and the image files, and this component in isolation had a monthly cost of $36. I have migrated the images to an object storage provider ($6/month for 500 GB), and used the resources previously used for disk space to increase the other parameters. The new configuration is a lot better and less expensive.


    >New configuration: > >Hosting provider: > >Object storage provider: > >16 GB RAM > >6 core CPU > >50 Mbps network > >100 GB SSD > >500 GB Object storage > >Cost: $47/month

    Thanks a lot to the lemmy and pict-rs devs for the hard work they put into developing the infrastructure!

  • federation issue

    Hello everyone!

    About 2 weeks ago, went down due to maintenance issues, but it seems like federation hasn't been restored on this instance.

    Specifically, I am subscribed to which federates with, but on this instance posts since 2 weeks ago and later dont seem to be federating.

    Could you please check it and maybe re-enable it in the future?

    (I know that currently there's a migration happening and we'll soon(?) update to 0.19.4, so this issue I'm pointing may have to wait till all these finish first (or updating may fix it without any extra work)).

    Thank you for maintaining this instance! :)

  • [Done] Migrating images to object storage, images will be inaccessible for a bit

    I am performing a migration that moves the images files from disk storage to object storage. During this migration the image back-end needs to be turned off, and so images will not be accessible.

    It should still be possible to comment.

    I am not sure how long this will take.

    This is part of a few optimizations that I plan to do before I upgrade the instance to version 0.19.4.

    EDIT: Update, June 17 06:08 UTC

    The transfer is working, but, after 12 hours, only ~50 GB have been transferred to Contabo's object storage (rate of about 1.16 MB/s). This is a lot slower than I imagined, and, if this rate continues, it will take about 3 more days to transfer the remaining 300 GB.

    I am not sure if this slow rate is to be expected for moving files to object storage, or if something is wrong. If any of you has experience with this I would appreciate some tips! I have also asked in the Matrix chat in case someone there can provide me some feedback as well.

    EDIT: Update, June 18, 07:44 UTC

    Migration is done!

    272.16 GB of image data has been transferred to object storage. This took about 37 hours. This means that transfer occurred at a rate of 2 MB/s. From other admin's experience, this transfer was quite slow. I am making use of Contabo as my object storage provider, and I suspect that the speed of the transfer was limited on their end. Another admin reported that they used backblaze b2 as the object storage provider and they experienced much faster transfers. All of this should have no influence on how the site performs from the end-user's point of view, I am documenting this for other admins who learn from other's experiences by searching through lemmy.

    Object storage is a much cheaper way to save files in the cloud. Before this, I have stored the image files into the same SSD disk where the instance lives (rented from The cost of this disk space goes up as the disk space needs increase. At the current disk size of 400 GB renting that space was costing $36/month and increased $0.9/mo for every 10 GB.

    Object storage is a specialized way of saving and serving files from the cloud. Object storage is much cheaper, at €6 for 500 GB (from Contabo), and so it is a much more scalable way of storing the instance's files. The only reason I did not do this earlier was because I was not sure about how to do it and kept pushing it back. But now, it's done! I would recommend other admins to do this as early as possible, as migrating many files is more of a hassle than migrating a few.

    Istill need to do a few more tasks (moving the instance to a new server with a smaller disk, upgrading the postgres database to be compatible with 0.19.4, changing the pict-rs database format from sled to postgres, and then upgrading to 0.19.4). But first I will let the instance run for a few days with object storage to make sure nothing is breaking.

    Thank you for your patience :D

  • slow federation

    I was curious if anyone knows anything about the large delay for content coming in from There's a discussion over there in one of fediverse communities and apparently we're like a week behind in receiving data.

  • How does Lemmy (Mander in particular) sort "hot" and "active" posts?

    cross-posted from:

    > Sorry if this seems like a silly question but I have noticed over the last few months my feed(?) has started to act odd. > > No matter what I do I don't see any posts from .world. I checked and mander does not seem to block .world (kinda why I liked this instance) and even weirder is how my feed gets filled with mostly .ml posts with almost no activity no matter how I sort. > > This did not happen before and got me thinking, I don't even know how this works across federated instances. > > Does anyone know: > > - How does the sorting work on an instance? Is it all the same no matter what instance it is? > > - Did anything change in the last few months, that would cause all .world (and I assume others) posts to not show? > > - Other then changing instances what can I do to mitigate the weird slanted results?

  • [Meta] Would be open to hosting a !dataisbeautiful community?

    Hello everyone,

    A few people had a conversation in [email protected] about finding a new place to host a !dataisbeautiful community (see the thread here:

    We were thinking about as the theme of data seems to fit with the topics of the instance.

    Would you be okay with us opening that community here?

  • Frequent disconnects from Voyager app

    Hey, I’m having this issue only with Mander. I can’t reliably reproduce it, sometimes it’ll go days without issue. But then the insurance gets disconnected and I need to add the account again. Does not happen with my account on another instance. Anyone else experiencing the same? Any clues as to what is causing it?

  • Sorry about the downtime last night!

    I woke up and noticed that the server was down. I think that there were two different issues happening at once - one related to nginx, and the other related to a memory limit I recently set on a docker container. Issues are fixed now. Sorry!

  • Outgoing federation issue with .world?

    Seems like new posts and comments aren't being federated to .world Comms. At least for me.

  • 🔔🔔 Here ye, here ye, calling the Mander hivemind 🔔🔔

    I am looking for academic and non-fiction authors and scicomm people who want to do some AMA-style events. The few I ran on Reddit were fun, and it makes an excellent opportunity for public outreach as people feel comfortable in an informal space, ECRs especially. These are great if you have a paper you want to rizz too. It's a good outreach thing; I always think 1:1 talking to people is the most successful and impactful. Shoot me a DM, we already have a few names in the hat.

  • Reddit exodus - Using Lemmy from my existing Mastodon

    Many are turning to Lemmy as a viable Reddit alternative. Here is how to use your existing Mastodon account with Lemmy.

    Reddit exodus - Using Lemmy from my existing Mastodon
  • [Almost done... Update] Expected instance downtime for upgrading pict-rs


    The pictrs migration is still taking place in the background, and there might be some problems displaying new or some old images, as well as a bit slower site performance. But it seems like the site can run well now.


    The lemmy backend makes use of pict-rs for hosting images. A new version (0.5.0) was recently released, and upgrading from the previous version involves a migration that is expected to take a few hours.

    I am planning to run that migration either tomorrow evening or on Saturday. If all goes well, the instance will be down for only a few hours.

    Just a heads up in case you stop by and see that the site is unavailable.

  • Viewing votes

    Hello all!

    As of yesterday, I have updated the the instance to 0.19.2-rc.5. This should fix some of the remaining federation problem.

    This morning it was brought to my attention through the Matrix chat that a feature has been added to the UI to allow admins to view votes:

    I would like to add a bit of context. Viewing votes has always been possible in at least two ways:

    • Since votes are stored in the database, admins with access to the database have always been able to retrieve the list of voters by running a postgres database query.

    • Some applications in the fediverse will display votes by default. For example, content federated with friendica displays the votes as "likes/dislikes", so any user can see federated votes.

    What this feature has changed is that admins, regardless of whether they have access to the server, are able to see the list of up-votes/down-votes through the user interface.

    This is effectively making a "hidden" admin feature more transparent. This can also help admins easily identify if bots are being used to mass down-vote.

    I am bringing this up explicitly here because I think users might be interested in knowing if their votes can be seen, and so I want to be transparent about this change and about votes in general.

    I also have some thoughts that I would like to discuss. If users are uncomfortable with admins having this power, I could remove this feature from this instance. But that would only be symbolic, as the votes can always be retrieved from the database anyway - and other instance admins will still have this feature to see federated votes.

    I can also keep it this way. Only admins can see votes, and I can simply not abuse that power.

    I can enable this feature for every user. Then everyone can see everyone's votes.

    Another option is to disable down-votes altogether.

    If anyone has any thoughts/opinions about this, please let me know. I'm curious and interested in finding a good way to handle this.

  • Communities Appear Empty From This Instance?

    Hi all, just moved here from another instance and as I'm adding my subscriptions I've noticed that a couple of communities that I have subscribed to show as having no posts at all. But all the posts show when viewed from any other instance.

    Here are the two I've noticed

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Am I missing something, or has anyone got any ideas?

  • Mander has been upgraded to version 0.19.0! 🥳 🎉

    After some arduous work from the developers and many other contributors, the newest version of lemmy has become available!

    Many long-awaited features are now available - like blocking instances and exporting/importing an account.

    You can head over to the original post to look at the long list of new features:

    Thanks a lot to the developers for their hard work! If you would like to support Lemmy's development, please make sure to check out the developer's funding drive:

  • 2023-11-30 CSV of Mander Communities for Indexing by Other Instances

    CSV of communities.

    ``` Name,URL,ID,Community,Index Off The Shelf,,off_the_shelf,/c/off_the_shelf,[email protected] nootropics,,nootropics,/c/nootropics,[email protected] Science Memes,,science_memes,/c/science_memes,[email protected] Science,,science,/c/science,[email protected] Astronomy,,astronomy,/c/astronomy,[email protected] Medicine,,medicine,/c/medicine,[email protected] Archaeology,,archaeology,/c/archaeology,[email protected] Houseplants,,houseplants,/c/houseplants,[email protected] Biodiversity,,biodiversity,/c/biodiversity,[email protected] "Earth, Environment, and Geosciences",,earthscience,/c/earthscience,[email protected] Mycology,,mycology,/c/mycology,[email protected] Public Health,,publichealth,/c/publichealth,[email protected] Geography,,geography,/c/geography,[email protected] Academia,,academia,/c/academia,[email protected] robotics and AI,,robotics_and_ai,/c/robotics_and_ai,[email protected] Physics,,physics,/c/physics,[email protected] Science of Cooking,,cooking,/c/cooking,[email protected] Sociology,,sociology,/c/sociology,[email protected] Palaeontology 🦖,,palaeontology,/c/palaeontology,[email protected] History,,history,/c/history,[email protected] Space & Astronomy,,space,/c/space,[email protected] Biology,,biology,/c/biology,[email protected] Science Communication,,scicomm,/c/scicomm,[email protected] Philosophy,,philosophy,/c/philosophy,[email protected] Anthropology,,anthropology,/c/anthropology,[email protected] Chemistry,,chemistry,/c/chemistry,[email protected] "Folklore, Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales",,folklore,/c/folklore,[email protected] Biotechnology,,biotech,/c/biotech,[email protected] Native Plant Gardening,,nativeplantgardening,/c/nativeplantgardening,[email protected] Geospatial,,geospatial,/c/geospatial,[email protected] The Deep Sea,,deepsea,/c/deepsea,[email protected] Ecology,,ecology,/c/ecology,[email protected] Palaeoecology,,palaeoecology,/c/palaeoecology,[email protected] No Stupid Questions,,nostupidquestions,/c/nostupidquestions,[email protected] test,,test,/c/test,[email protected] Entomology,,entomology,/c/entomology,[email protected] Generative AI,,generative_ai,/c/generative_ai,[email protected] Longevity,,longevity,/c/longevity,[email protected] Mander,,mander,/c/mander,[email protected] Animal behavior,,ethology,/c/ethology,[email protected] Natural Process Art,,natural_process_art,/c/natural_process_art,[email protected] Illegally Smol Birbs,,illegallysmolbirbs,/c/illegallysmolbirbs,[email protected] Bees and Beekeeping,,beekeeping,/c/beekeeping,[email protected] Exercise and Sports Science,,sports_science,/c/sports_science,[email protected] Microbiology,,microbiology,/c/microbiology,[email protected] ADHD_College,,adhd_college,/c/adhd_college,[email protected] New Communities,,new_communities,/c/new_communities,[email protected] Semiconductors,,semiconductors,/c/semiconductors,[email protected] Ecospheres,,ecospheres,/c/ecospheres,[email protected] Historic(al) Map Porn,,old_maps,/c/old_maps,[email protected] PlantSwap,,plantswap,/c/plantswap,[email protected] A Boring Dystopia,,aboringdystopia,/c/aboringdystopia,[email protected] biohacking,,biohacking,/c/biohacking,[email protected] Botany,,botany,/c/botany,[email protected] Spectroscopy,,spectroscopy,/c/spectroscopy,[email protected] Reptiles and Amphibians,,herpetology,/c/herpetology,[email protected] Tropical Ornamental Plants,,tropical_plants,/c/tropical_plants,[email protected] Biophysics,,biophysics,/c/biophysics,[email protected] Nature Drawing,,nature_drawing,/c/nature_drawing,[email protected] GIF Base Alpha,,gif_base_alpha,/c/gif_base_alpha,[email protected] What's this Plant?,,plantid,/c/plantid,[email protected] Ceanothus,,ceanothus,/c/ceanothus,[email protected] Scuba Diving,,scuba,/c/scuba,[email protected] wildfire,,wildfire,/c/wildfire,[email protected] What's this fungus?,,fungusid,/c/fungusid,[email protected] Bryophytes,,mosses,/c/mosses,[email protected] Nudibranchs,,nudibranchs,/c/nudibranchs,[email protected] Underwater Photography,,uwphotography,/c/uwphotography,[email protected] monkeypox,,monkeypox,/c/monkeypox,[email protected] Space Engine,,space_engine,/c/space_engine,[email protected] GAN Art,,gan_art,/c/gan_art,[email protected] Fractal Field Painting,,fractal_field_paint,/c/fractal_field_paint,[email protected] Fermentation,,fermentation,/c/fermentation,[email protected] Abiogenesis,,abiogenesis,/c/abiogenesis,[email protected] Introductions,,main,/c/main,[email protected] Announcements,,announcements,/c/announcements,[email protected] Sneks,,sneks,/c/sneks,[email protected] covid19,,covid19,/c/covid19,[email protected] Bayesian Theory,,bayes,/c/bayes,[email protected] Photosynthesis,,photosynthesis,/c/photosynthesis,[email protected] Applied Psychology,,appliedpsychology,/c/appliedpsychology,[email protected] Figs,,figs,/c/figs,[email protected] Myrmecology,,myrmecology,/c/myrmecology,[email protected] North American Bird ID and Education,,nabirdidentification,/c/nabirdidentification,[email protected] Snake Identification and Education,,snakeidentification,/c/snakeidentification,[email protected] Jarrariums,,jarrariums,/c/jarrariums,[email protected] Water Science and Technologies,,water,/c/water,[email protected] Quantum Computing,,qubits,/c/qubits,[email protected] Nuclear,,nuclear,/c/nuclear,[email protected] Arachnology,,arachnology,/c/arachnology,[email protected] Gardening,,gardening,/c/gardening,[email protected] Plants,,plants,/c/plants,[email protected] Print for Good,,printforgood,/c/printforgood,[email protected] Diseases,,diseases,/c/diseases,[email protected] Microscopy,,microscopy,/c/microscopy,[email protected] Timelapse,,timelapse,/c/timelapse,[email protected] Self sufficiency,,selfsufficiency,/c/selfsufficiency,[email protected] Terrariums,,terrariums,/c/terrariums,[email protected] Answered,,answered,/c/answered,[email protected] Ecosia,,ecosia,/c/ecosia,[email protected] Nutrition,,nutrition,/c/nutrition,[email protected] Isopods and Myriapods,,isopodmyriapod,/c/isopodmyriapod,[email protected]


  • New community - Generative AI Generative AI - Mander

    A community about news, questions, development and all related subjects of Generative AI

    I have just created a new community in Lemmy about Generative AI like GPT or Midjourney. The subjects are diverse: from news to development

  • Instance added to the block list

    I have become aware of an instance with widespread posting of pornographic drawings of cartoon characters that look like minors. I have added the instance to our block list.

    If any user from this instance would like to discuss this action, I'm open to talk about it in the comments.

    If not, great. I would prefer not bring any attention to this at all, but I want to be transparent about de-federating actions.

    If you do enjoy this content and would like to visit the instance, you can find it at:

  • Lemmy v0.18.4 Release

    Mander has been upgraded to v0.18.4.

    The most noticeable change appears to be the fixing of a bug that would cause some comment trees and comment reference links to not load properly. But if you notice something else, please let me know - or, even better, create an issue for it on github!

    Lots of thanks to the developers 😀

    cross-posted from:

    > ## What is Lemmy? > > Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top. > > ## Major Changes > > This version fixes the problem of comment context not loading properly. It also fixes a couple other bugs. > > ## Support development > > @dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations. > > If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they’ve proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive. > > - Liberapay (preferred option) > - Open Collective > - Patreon > - Cryptocurrency (scroll to bottom of page) > > ## Upgrade instructions > > Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker. There are no config or API changes with this release. > > If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

  • [Canvas] Thanks for joining!

    TL;DR for anyone from Mander:

    Small mander logo: in the bottom right quadrant, between the EU flag and Ramona Flowers. Seems like this one was done by @[email protected] very early on in the event. Much later, near the end of the event, I just added the text above it.

    Big Mander logo: check in the top half, near the center, to the right of the Swedish flag. Was planned out by yours truly (not knowing we already had the small logo), though @[email protected] / @[email protected] came by and helped out actually placing the pixels (thank you!). The outline/background around the text was done by various other users, including @[email protected] , @[email protected] , and @[email protected] -- thanks for coming by to help beautify our logo!

    Original post's text below.\ ---\ ---\ ---\ cross-posted from:

    > Thanks for joining in! The canvas is now finished! > > I’m going to be leaving the canvas up and read-only for a couple days, but not too long. > > This was incredibly fun to host, thank you all for participating! ♥ > > ## Future Events > > I’d love to make this a yearly event. Expanding from just Lemmy to the entirety of the fediverse aswell! > > I’ll reuse this Lemmy community & the Matrix space for that event > > If you have suggestions for future events, post them in a comment on this post, each suggestion as it’s own comment so people can vote on them > > ## Timelapses: > > - First 24h > * Raw File > * Mastodon > * PeerTube > * YouTube > - 24h - 48h > * Raw File > * Mastodon > * PeerTube > * YouTube > - 48h - 72h > * Raw File > * Mastodon > * PeerTube > * YouTube > - Start to finish > * Raw File > * Mastodon > * PeerTube > * YouTube > > ## Data: > - Pixel Placement Logfile (timestamps, usernames, coords, pallete index, no ip addresses) (42mb) > - Pallete Indexes (eg 0 = black, 1 = dark gray, etc) > - Final Canvas PNG

  • Canvas - logo collab

    I reproduced our logo in pixel art, added our domain name in text, and I'm gonna start adding this to the Canvas.

    The bottom right corner (where I'm starting) is located at 646, 205.

    Come join me! And decorate this further if you'd like!

    (How to join: )

    Edit: look like the picture is a little small because it's pixel art. You may want to download it and open it up in MS Paint or something then zoom in a lot.

    Edit2: I found a mistake in my template: there's one extra gray pixel on the right side, diagonally up/left from the uppermost black pixel of the...uh...chelicera I guess.

    Edit3: There are actually three extra gray pixels, the other two are to the right and above the one I just mentioned.

  • Canvas 2023 -- Lemmy's r/Place Canvas -- Lemmy's r/Place

    Place pixels with people to create art

    Hello all, I'm sharing this here because I think it is a fun and interesting initiative that users might appreciate knowing about.

    The instance is running an event similar to Reddit's /r/place. Here you can find their post announcement. The canvas can be reached here:

    If you are not familiar with /r/place: the idea is that every user gets to place pixels on a canvas. After placing a pixel, there is a 1 minute cool-down before you are able to place the next pixel.

    To log-in, you fill-in your instance's name and username, and you are sent a code as a private message which you then use to authenticate. So the method of authentication does not expose your username and password combination to a third party.

    I find it cool how third-party events like this one can be integrated into the decentralized Lemmyverse without requiring active input from instance admins.

  • Is there no food waste fighting community at all on Lemmy ?

    I have been looking for one for a few day. I've got no result nor answer.

    I thought that on an instance dedicated to nature and science, I would find one. But I'm starting to dispair. Where do you go to talk about food waste ?

  • What's the pixel art on /c/houseplants from? Houseplants - Mander

    # Welcome to /c/houseplants @! In between life, we garden. [] — — Notice Board - 2023-06-13: We are looking for mods. Send a dm to @[email protected] [] if interested! This com...

    Houseplants - Mander

    (URL goes to /c/houseplants )

    Where's the pixel art in the sidebar from?

    Actually, where's all of the art from? But I'm specifically mentioning pixel art because I really like pixel art and I think this stuff is really cute!

    EDIT: I did not expect the preview snippet to be so extraordinarily lengthy.

  • Open link in new tab

    Is there a way to make opening links in new tabs a default behaviour?

  • Unable to post images - Jerboa & Firefox

    This is a new problem for me that started a couple days ago. Using Jerboa and Firefox, I'm unable to post images on this instance. I am able to post images to the same communities using a different instance account. I am getting "network error" and Java errors (I'm unable to see the full error) while using Jerboa. On Firefox, I get an "image too large" error for 12 MB (edit: not GB, that'd be a huge image) images (not sure the limit) but "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data" at smaller image sizes. I was able to post images on this instance before this. My Jerboa app is up to date. Any solution?

  • Api errors?

    Anyone else get kicked from the instance? I had to sign out due to api errors and now I can't get back in.

  • A new way to search for communities

    > The author of the tool states that body text of a post is weighted higher than the title. Add your submission statements or summaries to affect your ranking in the engine (for people managing communities or creating content). > > cross-posted from: > > > I keep see people complaining about not being able to find active communities that match their interests. So I've added a new feature to that allows you to search posts for a particular topic and then it tells you which communities have the most posts matching your search query. > > > > And assuming that you've set your home instance correctly, those links will even open up in your home instance, so that you can subscribe directly to them. > > > > For example, if you search for 'linux' ( it gives you a link to each community, tells you which instance it's on and how many matches it found for your query. > > > > All of the same filters that you can use on the normal search can be used here as well. So if you just want to find the best community that mentions linux on (, you can filter by just that instance. Click on the Search Tips button to see a list of all of the available filters. > > > > P.S. I'm aware of etc... and while those are great as well, this allows you to search to see what people are actually talking about on the various communities. > > > > Again, if you have any feature requests or find any bugs, PLEASE reach out or ideally go to my github ( and log a bug there.

  • Why is mander's Web UI all messed up when logged in?

    Web UI is all messed up, upvotes and OP's name and some other things. Works well when you are not logged in.

  • How ActivityPub is setting the stage to weave all your social media feeds together

    Twitter under Elon Musk’s chaotic reign has seemingly created an opportunity for an alternative microblogging service.

    How ActivityPub is setting the stage to weave all your social media feeds together
  • Anyone else having trouble getting comments posted?

    I wrote up a comment to a post on Mander, and there shouldn't be any blocks (unless for some reason I'm blocked from /c/palaeoecology for some reason which I see why I would be but please inform me if this is the case), yet when I click the Reply button to post my comment the little spinny animation never ends and if I refresh the page my comment is absent.

  • seems to have been hacked.

    You guys may want to avoid it until they can sort it out.

  • Defederation (at least temporary) with Meta's new project []

    Meta has launched a twitter alternative called "Threads". The application allows Instagram accounts and followers to be migrated directly. From what I can find, there are already over 90 million users using threads.[1] It is Meta's plan to allow Threads to interact via ActivityPub with other platforms in the fediverse.

    Mander has a generally open federation policy. I don't want to prevent users from accessing specific content through the fediverse purely on ideological grounds, nor do I want to block our information from being accessed. There is a very strong argument to be made to remain federated with Threads in the spirit of having an open and accessible network.

    But, after seeing the rushed, non-transparent, and non-EU compliant way that Threads is being deployed, it is obviously not wise to remain federated during the deployment phase. I would be willing to re-federate once it is proven that we can federate with them safely, it is demonstrated that a good amount of value to the users is added by doing so, and that at least a portion of the users is interested in doing so.

    Reasons to defederate:

    • The fediverse already lives in a legal gray zone in many respects. Threads was not released into the EU due to regulatory concerns.[2] My server is based in the Netherlands. It appears like no one is sure about what the legal implications are, but I consider federating interactions with Threads to present a new liability with a larger amount of risk. The added risk is related to the fact that Meta is often being looked at by regulators, and instances could be pulled into a Meta-related investigation. A hypothetical example - and I don't know if this is accurate or not - federated comments from EU users that end up saved in Meta's servers could be construed as a GDPR violation due to the transfer of EU user data. These are risks that are already present in the fediverse, but interacting with Meta may increase the likelyhood of being pulled into a Meta-related legal problem.

    • Threads is being released in a very hurried manner to capitalize on the unpopularity of Twitter at the moment. They are deploying these tools at random times without first informing the world about how they work. As far as I can tell, they have told us nothing about how they will actually use ActivityPub. All that we know is that suddenly hundreds of millions of people will be able to take actions that in some way interact with our servers. A likely scenario is that this will be similar to mastodon, their users will be able to make comments to a Lemmy server, and this won't cause a problem. But they may choose to do something differently, or they can make a mistake in their implementation. A mistake at the scale of hundreds of millions of users would easily deal catastrophic damage to a small instance.

    • The developers of Lemmy have strongly encouraged instance admins to defederate with threads. They develop this platform and know it much better than I do. I respect them and trust their judgement, so a strong encouragement coming from them is something that I take very seriously.

    • Most users who have commented on this topic here and in other instances want to defederate. While I do prefer to take a stance in favor of a more open federation policy, I do think that the case of a giant corporate entity deploying a potentially destructive platform into the fediverse is a special case.


    Generally I prefer to assume good faith and only defederate as a last resort in response to a practical problem. In this case, we are dealing with a commercial for-profit entity that has a strong record of not acting in good faith. The massive scale of this thing is such that we could lose the luxury of being able to easily respond to a sudden practical problem.

    I don't love Meta, and they are most likely not joining the space because they are passionate about helping us create privacy-centric decentralized social networks in which profit and growth are not the motives. But this is an opinion. In the future, if users actually want that, I am committed to re-assessing and potentially re-federating once the dust settles. But I can't justify taking this level of risk at this time.

    If no one asks for it, I wouldn't actively try to re-federate.

  • PeerTube.Science (Gauging interest) Nika Shilobod (@[email protected])

    #AcademicChatter #PhD #STEM #Science @[email protected] @[email protected] Hey guys, I am sitting on the #PeerTube (#Federated #YouTube) domain - I want to gauge how much of an interest in this for me to set up. Is there anyone interested in a non commercial video ser...

    As per my linked Masto post:

    >Hey guys, I am sitting on the #PeerTube (#Federated #YouTube) domain - I want to gauge how much of an interest in this for me to set up. Is there anyone interested in a non commercial video service like this for the sciences? Humanities are welcome too. :)

  • Instance update and issue with the site's CSS

    I've updated the instance to the most recent versions (UI: 0.18.1-rc.11, BE: 0.18.1-rc.10)

    This update brought with it some unexpected changes to the CSS and broke the theme, so I've changed the default theme back to the darkly theme until I have time to study and fix the stylesheet...

    Sorry if any of you noticed a very broken site a few minutes ago!

    EDIT: Ok, I think I've mostly restored the original default stylesheet. If you were using a non-default theme, that might still be broken.

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