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wirelesswire wirelesswire
Posts 2
Comments 37
You are being tortured. Your captor is forcing you to listen to someone else eat. What are they eating?
  • My captor must have had experience working help desk. I've endured people eating chips and sandwiches, chewing gum, and sniffling with stopped up sinuses right in my ear, while trying to focus on fixing their computer.

  • You can't fight the cuteness!
  • You can be masculine and also play female characters in games.

  • Amidst upset over Space Marine 2 automatically installing Epic Online Services, Epic says PC crossplay is a requirement for all multiplayer games on its store
  • I uninstalled Epic Online Services right after installing the game, and the only difference now is I get a warning screen that it's not installed whenever I start the game up. It's still BS that I should have to manually uninstall something I never wanted, though.

  • What are you wistful about?
  • Gambled and lost

  • My first 3rd party kit - In Era+ Ruling, custom painted
  • Overall, the quality was good. I did notice a couple small gaps between pieces and 1 or 2 mistakes in the manual, but didn't run into any fitting issues. The build experience was good, and also different for me. The kit comes with a prebuilt die cast frame, so most of the building aside form the weapons and backpack is putting armor on the frame. The frame is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to posing. It helps negate the added weight from the backpack, so it won't fall over backwards, but also the hips can have trouble supporting it in some dynamic poses. The stand was included, so it's easy enough to mount it and use whatever pose you want.

  • If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
  • My parents' divorce. I was 20 when it started, but still living at home. I was dragged through the middle of the very messy and drawn-out divorce proceedings, and unfortunately, my dad did not survive to hear the final judgement. The silver lining I guess was these two events gave me a solid kick in the pants to start acting like an adult. I went to counseling, then college, then an actual professional career.

    While I am now in the best position in my life that I've ever been in, the catalyst to me getting here was terrible. 0/10, would strongly advise alternate means.

  • My first 3rd party kit - In Era+ Ruling, custom painted
  • It's roughly halfway between a MG and PG in size. I posted a pic in another comment with HG Gramps next to it for a sense of scale.

  • My first 3rd party kit - In Era+ Ruling, custom painted

    WoW is 20 years old, and still looks like a PS3 game
  • Counterpoints:

    1. Describing the graphics/art style as broken or ugly is highly subjective. A lot of WoW players like the art style as it is. I would've preferred the graphics got updated when I played, but it is what it is.

    2. Updating assets and textures takes art resources, which means taking designers off of working on new projects. Blizzard's allocation of resources is another discussion entirely, though.

    3. A lot of WoW players play WoW and nothing else, and a lot of them play on hardware that's barely able to run the game. Check the forums whenever the system requirements get updated with new expansions and see all the people complaining about not being able to afford new hardware. Now, Blizzard definitely shouldn't support everyone's dinosaur PCs forever, but they risk cutting off portions of their playerbase whenever they raise the system requirements, so I'm sure that's taken into account.

    4. WoW's engine is built in-house and OLD, and started as a heavily modded Warcraft 3 engine. They most likely face significant challenges whenever they want to add or update anything, including graphics.

    Note: Take my post with a grain of salt, as I stopped playing in 2018 and haven't been playing the closest attention since.

  • For younger generations, what was it like growing up with the internet?
  • I'm a millennial, so I guess I grew up with the internet, but wasn't something I really used myself until high school. I remember the "information superhighway" term pushed a lot in grade and middle school. My family only had dial-up until after I graduated high school, mainly because my parents were concerned I would spend too much time on the internet (they were 100% right lol). I wasn't allowed on the internet at home unless I had to do research for a school project. I ended up having a do a lot of "research" for a while.

    In high school, I got my hands on a second-hand laptop, so I would take it to friends houses or wherever I could get a wifi connection and screw around on the web. I spent a lot of time on Newgrounds and AIM before Youtube was a thing. I learned how to find the .swf files in the browser cache so I could rewatch flash videos when I was offline. I also learned some things about my family while browsing the browser cache, but I'll be keeping those secrets.

    I never used Napster, but did use Kazaa and similar to download music and such.

    I didn't quite understand how insane it is to have access to that much knowledge until later. To me, the internet was a convenient place to do research, play games, watch funny videos, and chat with friends.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's mostly noticeable in the menus for BL2. Navigating with a mouse is kinda jank, where it is much snappier when using keys.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Glad I could help" "You're welcome" Just upvote

    Pick one.

  • Just one more thing...
  • About that... those Labor Day sales were a bit rough on my wallet.

  • Gundam Expo Mobile Tour
  • That's unfortunate to hear about the stock. I went to the one in Chicago, and was able to get everything I wanted.

  • Do any of you ever donate to big time streamers?
  • The only thing I've "paid" to a streamer is the free monthly Prime sub, usually to a smaller streamer. I've bought merch from a couple Youtube channels before also, but that's about it.

  • The [no] future of BLUE PROTOCOL [shutdown]
  • That's unfortunate. I was kinda looking forward to this one.

  • What are some fun ways to prank an asshole neighbor I'm moving away from?
  • I keep to myself, so I have no idea what I could've done to piss them off. I also get periodic mail for the previous homeowner, despite me living here for almost 7 years.

  • What are some fun ways to prank an asshole neighbor I'm moving away from?
  • I get junk mail addressed to a Pablo Picasso at my address periodically.

  • What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • Interesting take. Thanks for the explanation.

  • Love the MGSD kits - Gundam Base Freedom Clear Color
