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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Israel Bombed My Home and Killed My Relatives. I’m Not Going to Be Silenced.
  • You're absolutely insane. Terrorists invaded Israel and brutally killed 1500 people, and your response is, eh maybe it's not that bad. It's not about the volume of people killed, it's about the way they were killed and the sworn mission from Hamas to never stop. A mission they affirmed just a couple days ago when they announced they were not apologetic for their actions and they'd do it again. So, this is the response they'll get from Israel. In order for there to be peace, Hamas must be completely destroyed. You pretend that you don't support Hamas, but your eagerness to avoid any discussion of why Israel is doing what they're doing speaks to an irrational fixation. I doubt you're Palestinian or Israeli. You don't know what it's like living under hundreds of rockets launched at you every day, but you demand Israel return to that, and return to the threat of more terrorism on their civilians. They will not, and I don't see why I should prefer innocent Israelis dying over innocent Palestinians. If someone innocent is going to die, at least use their death in service of destroying terrorism so that one day there might be peace.

  • Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses
  • You emphasize this "which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated" as if you cannot describe Israel's entire offensive so far in exactly these terms. Gains minimal, civilian deaths enormous.

    That's your opinion. I don't think Israel agrees.

    Ignoring the West Bank?

    I don't know what agreements have been made about the west bank, so I can't say. It seems you're talking about events that have been happening before Oct 7. But, the original purpose was trying to show that Israel has been committing war crimes in Gaza. To that end, it doesn't seem that they meet the criteria.

    This is the weakest bullshit I've ever heard in my life. If you can't find it in your heart to call out the intentional starvation of innocent citizens I don't know how you can look at yourself in the mirror.

    It's not clear, but keep crying. Hamas takes food and supplies from the civilians. It's not clear that Israel must supply Palestinians of food while their own government denies them the same. And, given how willful you were to misinterpret the previous accusations, I'm not inclined to believe that you're correctly interpreting the convention. The latest I've heard is that 100 trucks of humanitarian aid are allowed in each day. How much food and supplies does an attacking country have to supply to the civilians of the country they're attacking? Is Russia supposed to be supplying Ukrainians or can we add that to their war crimes?

  • Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses
  • Now you're excusing terrorism. It's all Israel's fault, isn't it? Israel made Gaza, Israel made the Gazans hate them, because Israel's master plan was to create terrorists, finance that terrorist group, knowing the terrorists would eventually attack, and then Israel could finally kill all Palestinians, by warning them to evacuate, even though Israel is controlling Hamas to counter-propagandize the Palestinian populace and tell them to shelter in place, because that's how Israel maximizes civilian deaths. Not even the terrorists putting Israeli babies in ovens are responsible for their actions. Israel was behind that too!

    If Palestinians laid down their weapons, there could be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons, there would be no Israel.

  • Israel Bombed My Home and Killed My Relatives. I’m Not Going to Be Silenced.
  • You've just described a war. People die, yes. But it's not Israel stuffing babies in ovens, cutting unborn out of their mother's, torturing and raping families in front of each other, and on. Sorry you're upset about Palestinians dying. It's a sad thing. But it's not going to stop Israel from defending themselves against a threat sworn to destroy them and all Jews.

    By your assertion, Hamas is an Israel puppet and this is their masterpiece coup de gras? I'm not sure why any of that would excuse literal terrorism? People are responsible for their own actions. The ones who invaded Israel and brutalized their citizens, are responsible. If Israel was supporting terrorism, it sure seems like that would have been the time to do something about it. But even if they were, the terrorists are still responsible for their actions. They could have chosen not to attack, but they didn't. This is the consequence. Gaza is still standing, despite how eager you and others are to see Israel raze it to dust.

    What do frigging cooked babies atrocities matter in this context?

    It means everything when the purpose of the conversation is to demonize Israel and ignore the motivation for their actions. It speaks to a level of barbarism far beyond what Israel would ever do, and again, despite how people on this forum want Israel to appear.

    Imagine that instead of Arabs, Israel army bombed, say, the German city of Dresden, killing thousands of civillians because it's a neonazi hotspot where international refugee centers are attacked. Well all white people are the same. Fuck them, right?

    Is Dresden harboring terrorists?? It makes a pretty big fucking difference.

  • Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses
  • Your version of the analogy implies equal damage on both sides. That is not the case, already Israel has killed way more than Hamas did. If you insist on making the first offense killing your family, it would be like killing my whole neighbourhood in response.

    An eye for an eye retribution is all you understand? This isn't about equality. This is about removing the ability for a terrorist group to bring harm against a sovereign nation. If your neighborhood wants to harbor terrorists, then they're going to get blown the fuck up.

    And then bombed both the routes to the "safe" place and the "safe" place itself, yes.

    This is contested information. I've heard that Hamas was doing the bombings. Between the two sides, why would Israel warn civilians to evacuate, then bomb them and face international condemnation? Meanwhile, Hamas needs civilians as human shields so if the populace evacuates, Hamas loses their defense. Bombing their own citizens (which they're known to do) and blaming it on Israel benefits them. So between the two, one side majorly benefits and the other side not at all.

    Since you misquoted the Geneva convention, let's fix that.

    Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;

    Israel has justification and are not wantonly destroying property. They are attacking military targets. If it was wanton, they would destroy all of Gaza instead of evacuating the north.

    ICRC (Geneva IV and revisions) Rule 129 The displacement of the civilian population shall not be ordered for reasons related to the conflict unless the security of the civilians involved or imperative military reasons so demand.

    Shocking how you always leave out the part that justifies what Israel is doing.

    Attacks against civilian population?

    Nope, Israel is attacking military targets. The civilians need to gtfo of the way. If they don't, that doesn't mean Israel is committing war crimes. They're justified to destroy military targets regardless. That's how war works. Here's another war crime: Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;

    Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;

    Oops, you left that part out again.

    Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;

    And again, you leave out the part that justifies Israel. You're intentionally lying to defame Israel. Sorry your feelings are hurt, but that doesn't mean Israel has to roll over and die.

    The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;

    Israel isn't occupying Gaza, nor do they intend to. They're there to destroy Hamas and leave.

    Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;

    Not sure about this one, but since you've lied about all the others, I'm not inclined to take your word for it. In fact, I'm more likely to believe you're wrong since you've been wrong about the others.

  • ‘Children were carrying other injured children.’ Witness describes aftermath of Israeli strike on Gaza refugee camp
  • Hamas however has strongly denied the presence of one of its leaders in the refugee camp. Hazem Qassem, a spokesman for the militant group, accused Israel of attempting to justify what he described as a “heinous crime against safe civilians, children, and women in Jabalya camp.”

    Ah, yes, the terrorists wouldn't want any civilians, children, or women getting hurt.

    Also big fail from CNN, reporting this as a current refugee camp, when it's a city named as a refugee camp, in Northern Gaza, that was ordered to evacuate.

  • Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses
  • Well, it sure depends doesn't it? First of all, let's correct your analogy. If you kill my family, then run behind your own family and yell I'M RELOADING FOR THE NEXT KILLING, that would be a more accurate analogy. In that case, I sure as shit have the right to defend myself. Israel told the Palestinians to get out of the way. Hamas told them to stay and die in their homes. If Palestinians would rather listen to a terrorist organization, if they would rather defend Hamas with their life, then they are literally terrorist supporters and they deserve what they get.

    You realize launching rockets from civilian infrastructure, like Hamas does, is a war crime? Taking civilian hostages, war crime. Using civilians as human shields? Also war crime. Did you want to skip past those too? Man, Israel just can't catch a break with you.

  • Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses
  • So it's Israel's fault they are terrorists? It's Israel's fault none of the other Arab countries want the Palestinians?

    Let's say Israel does.... whatever it is you think they should do. Will that stop the organization that has sworn to kill all Jews and destroy Israel? After having 1500 of their civilians brutalized and murdered, Israel should... negotiate with the terrorists and give them land?

  • Tlaib refuses to apologize for blaming Israel for Gaza hospital blast, attacks Biden
  • As I've said from the start, what I'm criticizing is that those who call for ceasefire or for free Palestine, are implicitly ignoring the effects of the outcome they're calling for. What happens to the Palestinian people if they lay down their arms? Peace or war? What happens to Israel if they lay down their arms? Peace or war?

    Those who call for peace in the face of an enemy sworn to kill all Jews and destroy Israel, these people are not calling for peace at all. They are rallying against Israel and demanding its destruction. You have no solution to offer for the problem of Hamas, yet you insist Israel allow them to continue to exist, knowing that they will simply plan more attacks in the future. You do not want peace.

  • Patch 13.14 notes

    Put up your dukes. Patch 13.14 is a knockout!

    Patch 13.14 notes

    Somebody's gotta do it
