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celeste celeste

Hello I'm a real person. I use Firefox btw.

Posts 16
Comments 794
Not a transmasc, but if this happened I'd literally melt
  • Pls do :3 Edit: But irl, I don't want anyone in my DMs

  • brrrr
  • That's a lot of APM

  • Wir_iel
  • Lieben wir, wobei ich eher Werbung für Gewerkschaften mache

  • Reaction pics rule
  • The memes on the internet are free, I have 4000 memes on my ssd

  • wir🗳️iel
  • Ich liebe wenn Frauen :3

  • free fix
  • Where I live it's free, but you gotta wait a bunch

  • free fix
  • Probably 6.99

  • TIL about the Book of Mozilla
  • cool and wild. I like it.

  • wir🚨iel
  • *Opium des Volkes, dadurch hat es gleich 2 Bedeutungen auf einmal.

  • wir_iel
  • Haben sich auch den individuellwn Fußabdruck ausgedacht.

  • wir🚩iel
  • Sehr gutes Maimai und nur logisch nach Obamaprism und Joe Bidome

  • Wir_iel
  • 161 :3

  • ich🗳️iel
  • Sie wollen nicht, dass du es weißt. Aber die Verkehrsschilder um die Ecke sind kostenlos! Ich habe 234 Verkehrsschilder zuhause!

  • I just need to hold a hand
  • Oh yeah that works

  • ich🇦🇪iel
  • Skandal!!! Sofort die Namensrechte entziehen und alle "Metzgereien" die sowas verkaufwn dicht machen! /j

  • ich_iel
  • Oder er stand davor auch viel unter Fraktionszwang unf jetzt nicht?

  • left rule and right rule
  • see some polish words in non-polish community


  • ich🫠iel
  • Das andere Jamaika!

  • How you y'all feel about 196?
  • user doesn't exist :3 ?

  • egg_irl


    When the disphoria hits hard on some days and I get misgendered a bunch.

    Theres the pretty girls... Drawing of a red haired girl with a heart on her T-Shirt and sparkles all around And theres the popular girls Drawing of a girl with an astronomy t-shirt doing a ;3 kissy face

    And I look like OBAMA PRISM Obama Prism: Obama's face stretched on the surface of a mathematical pyramid


    Small rule

    Screencap of an Instagramm post by pun_bible: "My dad is an electrician in a zoo and look how he spent his morning I'm crying" Below are 3 pictures of a meercat holding a screwdriver, looking in a toolbox and touching a helplight.

    Reply by ConradkBarwa: "Your dad small as hell"


    Go duck duck


    Nonbinary vibes for nonbinary thursday

    Person sitting saying: "Male??", "Female??" Who knows? I love trolling!".



    Picture of kittens sleep-cuddling. Description: "What it would look like if all the touchstarved trans people" "were placed in proximity of each other."


    Meme Recycling

    The 4 Horsemen of trans culture:

    transit(picture of a truck with insight trans logistics written on it),

    blahåj (actually it's blåhaj),

    devin (tweet: "END TRANS GENOCIDE NOW" reply by @JustDeeevin:"Ok"),

    accidental trans (picture of a sweater in the trans colours: light blue, pink and white)


    Let's reboot c/traaa here maybe

    Image description: Screenshot of a tiktok where a white tanned person is holding a plastic bag of sour patch, soft & chewy candy. The bag is see though and the candy is soft pink and light blue coloured semi circles. The tiktok has a big text in neutral font: "Gonna go to the park and feed the transgirls"



    Tweet reading: No thoughts, only transmasc Jesus mermaid tree ornament in the Little Italy Christmas store (ft. Top surgery scars)

    Below is a picture of said trans masc Jesus Mermaid tree ornament with top surgery scars, holding a transflag behind the back


    Shameless rule

    Trans flag as a background White impact font on top: "Top 10 reasons why Jesse Pinkman is trans

    1. wear baggy clothing in hot area
    2. bad relationship with parents (many transpeople can relate😔)
    3. I like him☺️☺️"

    To the right is a picture of Jesse Pinkman with a speech bubble saying "True!"


    Them Rules

    Image transcription: Text in black over a heart in nonbinary colors: femmes can be thems too Person in nonbinary colour scheme sitting comfortably in frint


    Everyday rule

    Tweet by @KawaiiZealot: "HEARTBREAKING: Poor girl has to get out of the soft warm bed even though she is so so so so comfy"

    Tweet is from 12/6/22


