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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Synther writing posts to help the search engine users.

Posts 17
Comments 35

what’s your thoughts on Linux and Windows…

> When I refer to Linux, I am referring to a computer with the kernel and other software that makes up a Personal Computer.

I like to think that Linux is great, and always will be, a Personal Computer. Windows, I will always remember it being the best thing for business’s as Microsoft pushes licenses and such business related features.

I switched to Linux in 2020, Ubuntu, and slowly learned my ways around, and understanding how everything works, but most people don’t have to now, it’s so simple to get started.


Two Versions…

I was wondering if anyone knew about, or plays both versions of the game, the 667.9MB (disc) or 1.29GB (server).

I was on the wiki, and saw the screenshot was outdated. It shows the Xbox 360 and the 66.9MB versions, which should be… unless Microsoft will, IMO update the Xbox one edition (1.29GB) to 1.20 later down the years.


Is This Thunder?

I found a Similar logo design to thunder, and was wondering where this is originally from?

I was browsing TikTok, yes, judge me. Haven’t been on in years, and still hate it.


what’s your favourite Resturant?

I was thinking of making a Free Open Source Resturant, with free food and drinks made purely out of free software components. I was thinking of licensing this under the GPLv3 for a freedom living experience, and not only that. I was also thinking it all in Rust!!


Android Studio ( Alternative)

I was wondering if there was a Web Application where I can work on Android App Development. Think of it like if vscode was only built for Android Development, and how cool it would be to develop android apps directly into your browser, just like

Now, I was thinking of using and installing Gradle and Kotlin packages from the marketplace, but I was wondering if there was another alternative instead of using a Microsoft Product.

Likewise, I'm on an Xbox One where I can only use the Browser, can't install anything.


Minecraft Seed Finder…

So idk if any of you know of the Minecraft program’s, amidsts or MCA Selector. Two programs I absolutely enjoy using for my worlds, plus, their Free Open Source Software.

Anyways, there my story…

So I’ve been a Minecrafter since 2014, since the Xbox 360 days. I then switched to the Java edition of Minecraft in 2019 when I obtained my first pc on my 11th birthday. I made a server that I made for me and my friends / sister when they occasionally jump on and wanna play. In that server, we had an amazing time, building and creating memories. The seed is what’s most important here.

> Main Point

Is it possible for me to create program, preferably a GUI, that lets the user draw out the seed of what they remember. So similar to how you would draw things in krita, but more for a Minecraft top down world view. Amidst or MCA Selector POV. I’m not sure if it’s possible or if Minecraft will even allow such activity. Which I’m not sure why it wouldn’t.

Using the MC Seed API if they have such thing??

It’s just when your in a seed for more then 2 years, you get attached and just love the terrain it has.

Idk man, I just spent forever in that world seed, built amazing stuff. Regardless if I used commands, cheats etc, I just wanna find the seed again using this technique that I hope it’s possible.

What is Malware.db?
  • Alright, yeah, I'm using KDE. I don't recall downloading anything, like clam AV, ever.

    I knew that .db stood for Database.

    Likewise, I guess this could be, like you said, some sort of program I previously installed that checked for a list of URLs that are malware. Again, I have never installed any program like these, and if I did, I would probably delete it after a minute of checking it out lol.

  • What is Malware.db?

    So I normally clear up storage every once in a while, let's say about every four months. I noticed this a while ago, and didn't think much of it. But I was wondering if anyone knew of what this meant, or if this is actually "Malware".

    I know whenever I delete a program, using dnf remove program-name, and remove the following folder in local/apps or.config, and this will delete it to save some space. As I'm not using said program for now.

    I have never seen this before, and was wondering if anyone would care to help me describe this for me.

    My best guess is part of Wireshark, as I remember installing it once, but who knows, maybe It's something I shouldn't have. I know what I'm sort of doing on Linux, and if this is network related, I probably don't care.


    Downloading YouTube Channels Transcript...

    Is it possible for me to grab (download) a full list of transcripts from a youtube channel's videos. I am working on a small project, of which I need a list of the videos, like all of them to control+f and find specific words.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of such program I could use.

    However, I wrote this AppScript in Google Drive, of which I'm not sure if this will work. It uses high level Google Account Access.

    ```gs function getYouTubeTranscripts() { const CHANNEL_ID = "UCtMVHI3AJD4Qk4hcbZnI9ZQ";

    // This below is what, before Oath (ing), is what Google is saying its unsafe, and does not let me continue... const youtube = YouTubeApp.getOAuth2Service().getService(); const videoIds ="id", { channelId: CHANNEL_ID, maxResults: 50 }) =>;

    videoIds.forEach(videoId => { const captions = youtube.captions().list("snippet", { videoId }).items; if (captions.length > 0) { const captionId = captions[0].id; const transcript = youtube.captions().download(captionId, { tfmt: "srt" }).getContentText(); DriveApp.createFile(${videoId}.txt, transcript, "text/plain"); Logger.log(Transcript for video ${videoId} saved.); } else { Logger.log(No transcript found for video ${videoId}.); } }); } ```

    Just wondering of anything else I could use...

    Linux Meme about Minecraft for Windows and not available for linux…
  • I did try this, and considering I purchased it on Amazon’s store years ago, I know terrible, that launcher you mentioned only supports Google. Amazon also doesn’t have API support for their store unlike Google.

  • Linux Meme about Minecraft for Windows and not available for linux…

    What… are we just a penguin and Apple Trees…

    For real, though, I wish Microsoft (mojang does…) cared enough to support Linux for BE.

    Should I iOS…
  • Alright, yeah, I had a feeling XCode allowed that. I am planning to test if he app works before uploading to the store because I wouldn’t bugs.

    Do you also mean that it’s free to make a developer account, or is that $99? or just to allow the app (in tesflight) for testing purposes and not actual use.

  • Should I iOS…

    I am planning on making an android app because I have a Google pixel 6 I got as a birthday gift and I love how open Android has gotten over the years.

    I was wondering if it’s worth saving up to develop an iOS app. (The same app on Android, but for iOS) I know that the AppStore can be a good revenue spot for my app, not sure. My app will be free + Open Source Software, GPL (Version 3) of which I plan to add my own premium features or either a donation option for the privacy advocate folks.

    I’ve had an iPhone 12 since 2021, and I’ve gotten used to our iOS works, how the system works in terms of iOS background and process’s.

    One question;

    > can I use GPL (version 3) for my iOS app on the AppStore?

    I’m just want your thoughts if I should…


    Facebook and Instagram are currently down.
  • It’ll be back up, it always will because family “has” to use it because it’s the only “easy to use” social media platform they’ve knew for a decade. TBF, it’s pretty shit in terms of the ui and I can’t navigate through the damn settings.

    I don’t actively browse or use facebook

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sorry lol, I thought it was groove. I also remember it having a Spotify integration. I also haven’t used windows since like 2020, so I think it makes sense that I thought it was. I was a huge windows fan when I was a kid 2020.

    Again, sorry if I thought it was groove.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I also remember using a video editor that was once integrated into the old photos app on 10, which I used everyday until Microsoft carried more focused on clipchamp or whatever it’s called.

  • Xbox Game Bar for Linux?

    I was a windows user back in 2019 - 2020, and moved over to Linux in 2021. I honestly forgot how i found Linux, and when I was using Windows, I remember using this feature "Game Bar", which I used to make game clips on my PC. Although, when I got my NVIDIA Card the Game Bar Stopped working because of the HDMI cord that modern GPU's use.

    The Real Question, is there a program that replicates the Xbox Game bar? I really like the functionality that the game bar provides, and would like to start using it again, but on Linux. I was hoping if anyone knew of such program, or if you know the steps for me to build it myself. I found this Repository where someone made a clone, although it's for Windows, and not what I expected.


    MacOS Accessibility Cursor

    So I like this MacOS feature where your cursor displays in large. I was hoping if anyone knew of such software that replicates this functionality for Linux. Considering MacOS and Linux are both Unix, and libraries are different, could X or Wayland help replicate this?

    > Source


    How do I build a map for my video game?

    Hi Game Devs!

    I am currently developing my Open World Video Game in the Godot Engine, and the only thing I need is a world. I got done most of the game, (character models still need work, but I can get that done once I figure out this world problem I have) I'm just not sure what to do in making the world. I know I could use Blender, and yeah that does sound like a valuable option and it could work, but I also found RenderDocs, which I saw a video on where you used a chrome shortcut and RenderDocs captures that shortcut and grabs 3D, I actually have no idea how RenderDocs works, but I know I could use it too grab 3D locations using Google Maps. But I couldn't figure that out. I just can't edit the map afterwards if I choose this option.

    I'm also not saying that I want too make a massive world, especially like Fortnite or Grand Theft Auto V, I just want a simple but small sized world, but not too small if you know what I mean. I'm aiming for a map like this. (I'm not making a lego game, I'd thought I mention this here.)

    I then remembered Unity was another option, but I don't feel like using it because of the whole debacle that happened with the engine. I also don't know if It's easy to import it to Godot. The last resort I can think of is using Godot to make it, and I did also find a video where someone made a map in Godot, like a very simple world.

    Options: Godot? Unity? RenderDocs? Blender?

    I'm just not sure what is the best choice.


    How does a map work?

    Does anyone know how a map works, specially a woodland map? I’ve been playing the game for years, since 2013, and even from taking a long break for 4 years. I kind of forgot how maps work lol. I think I get it though. As the image I’ve added, do I head north west? Or is it south east as maps are opposite. I know I could travel through nether, it I like walking in the over world. Just a preference. But yeah, I’ve kind of forgot how maps work, but I’m not sure if it’s south I’m going or north.



    So I've been customizing my system for a few days now to look more like a mac-book, and I've found this program called "plank", which is supposed to be a mac-like dock for Linux. However, it doesn't operate or function correctly, as I use fedora KDE Spin. I was trying to install Pantheon, but I don't think its supported anymore, or at least the package does not exist.

    bash No match for argument: pantheon desktop Error: Unable to find a match: pantheon desktop

    I would love to know if anyone has any ideas to make my system look like MacOS, without a massive headache.
