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JohnnyLX91 JohnnyLX91
Posts 26
Comments 40
Responding to damaged keyboard tickets titled "URGENT!!!!1!!":
  • We can but we sure get a nice message from our superior if we do without need.

  • The Division 3 announced
  • There will be two other Division games both made by different studios - The Division Heartland for PC and consoles and The Division Resurgence for mobile devices.

  • The Division 3 announced Julian Gerighty Appointed Executive Producer for The Division Brand

    The Division 2’s Creative Director Julian Gerighty is returning to the brand he helped usher into the world.

    Julian Gerighty Appointed Executive Producer for The Division Brand
    Starfield - Early Acces: How does your mod wishlist look now?
  • Warning! Spoilers ahead:

    Some example of missions/dialogues where I wished we had more choices:

    Companion questlines:
    • We cannot invite our parents to the wedding with Sarah or even tell them about it.
    Freestar Ranger questlines:
    • We cannot tell the local Rangers about our findings, for example what we found in the VIP area of the clinic. I think the people of the clinic would be interested to know so they can investigate.
    • We cannot arrest certain people, there is always only the option to kill them, for example Ron Hope (if we dont want to get bribed)
    Main questlines:
    • we cannot NOT join Constellation.
    • we cannot convince the other Constellation members that we shouldn't enter the Unity.
    Side quests:
    • We cannot take the side of the colonists in the "First Contact" mission.
    • We cannot deny to help the liquor shopkeeper in the quest "Loose Ends" and instead tell the major about his actions.
  • Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
  • I truly dont understand the "everything is a bullet sponge" argument.

    I havent skilled any combat related skills and I am doing just fine in combat. Also I dont expect enemies in an RPG to get down in a single shot. Especially when they are armored like tanks or some weird giant alien creature. People have weird expectations tbh.

  • Starfield - Early Acces: How does your mod wishlist look now?
  • The intro is really a bit underwhelming. Like I am missing the "Bethesda" moment like Fallout 4 had when you first stepped out of the Vault.

    Funny enough, even though the beginning of the game feels quick, it actually starts rather slow. But I can absolutely see why some people would be disappointed, the game is definitely not for everyone.

  • Starfield - Early Acces: How does your mod wishlist look now?

    Game is finally here, and even after only some hours there are definitely already a couple of mods I want to have (I will update more while playing):

    • Companion activities, like playing games with your companions and other stuff.
    • Companion commands system (like attack, go there, hold position, hack this, unlock that etc.)
    • Companion roles and skills that can be unlocked and upgraded by levelling and questing with a companion (like collector, grenadier, healer, ship commander, etc.)
    • Have companions do contextual activities with you (like sitting down at a bar etc.)
    • Have more than one companion with you outside of your ship.
    • Let me invite my parents to my wedding with a specific companion.
    • More banter and situational dialogue between you and companions.
    • Toggle for space helmet and suit.
    • Toggle to synch space helmet and suit with player.
    • A key binding that lets you shortcut consuming health (or other) item categories, not only a specific item from that category
    • A key binding that lets you shortcut the toggle for space helmet and suit.
    • A key binding to lower weapons manually.
    • A prompt that lets you directly consume items from the world.
    • Native ultrawide 32:9 support that doesn't fuck up the games FOV and character viewmodel. mods available: LINK 1 LINK 2
    • A layered armor system like in Fallout 4/76.
    • An option to scrap gear and weapons at the workbenches.
    • An option to save and export ship designs.
    • A radio mod, why is there no radio? I want to travel the world like Starlord.
    • A use for all junk items apart from being clutter in the world.
    • All ship cutscenes either in first person or third person from the player perspective as "fake" real time loading screens. Maybe even with some optional minigames to get some temporal buffs or debuffs, or at least skill checks?
    • An ammo crafting station. mods available: LINK 1
    • Diving and under water vehicles - missed opportunity imo, submarines could handle similar to spaceships.
    • Have non-lethal options for quests like bounties.
    • Land vehicles and animal mounts - seriously, who said that the maps are too small? I would love to be able to drive around in a buggy or something like that.
    • More activities and quest variety. Todd Howard compared the game to RDR2, but that one has a lot more different activities. I love little unimportant things to do in games, like mini games, riddles, etc.
    • Pets and other animals from earth. They surely would have taken some with them.
    • See/Fake through scopes instead of overlays for zoomed scopes.
    • Skill checks. Are there skill checks? I hate if everything is just "press E" to achieve something. At least make my skill decisions useful...
    • There is a quest where you need to help people with some tasks, which are just finished by pressing E and the game telling you what you did. That is lame. Replace that with some minigames or at least skill checks or both.
    • Traps. Are there traps? I want traps.
    • Walking in space (its not there, isn't it?)
    • Way more attachments for all weapons.
    • Animations for consuming items, maybe even a basic interact animation (like picking up stuff, pushing doors, etc.)
    • Better landing animations for the starborn spaceships. They look so bad right now, as if they were clipping into the ground rather then landing.
    • Character should cast a shadow in first person (just take the third person shadow)
    • Character walking speed to match NPCs walking speed.
    • Hug and kiss animations for when you are in love/married to a companion.
    • Improvements to NPC faces - while environmental graphics are much better than before, faces in this game still look... garbage. I hope someone can work on them to bring them more up to current industry standards.
    • Visible footsteps (Or maybe even tesselation shaders for mud, snow etc to have real depth/substance)
    • Addition of insects and similar to the game
    • Addition of animals that look closer to earths mammals, and birds - like where are the bird aliens?
    • NPCs should react when you hold a weapon at them or when you fire around.
    • Have pre-build interiors for outpost habs.
    • Have unlimited storage space for your outpost storage.
    • A hud indicator what "power" you have selected
    • A menus redesign - not sure how much likely to happen but some of the menus are not great. First and foremost I miss "Diegetic Interfaces" like the pipboy. Going into the inventory, skills menu or quest lock takes you completely out of the action in Starfield. Speaking of, the skills menu looks bland - the icons are great, but the whole menu design is awful. Inventory is also something I hope gets changed by a modder. I want to see more and more clearly and more accessible.
    • A menu/inventory toggle to make backpack and weapon permanently visible.
    • Game time on the HUD (maybe in scanner mode on the watch) -Immersive text for map boundaries (something like "you are running out of oxygen) not that most of us will really ever reach the boundaries...
    • Have notes look like notes, books look like books etc. and not just a text box.
    • Maps for cities and other locations.
    • Some sort of ingame calendar.
    • Fix for not being able to enter Deimos Station
    • Fix for resources being relocated when you revisit a planet
    Maps removed from "Standered"/Unranked
  • Not that I am aware of, bot a lot of their reasoning is crap anyway. Like why did they need to change unranked and quickplay anyway? They were fine.

  • Maps removed from "Standered"/Unranked
  • This is dumb
    Standard should have the same map pool as ranked
    And quick play should have all maps

  • New Ghost Recon game in development, says insider
  • Dont worry, time flies and there are lots of cool games to play in the meantime :)

  • What mods do you know you want even before release?

    From seeing the gameplay, it seems like scopes are again overlays - so I hope a see through/fake through scopes mod will be released shortly after the game drops.

    See through/Fake through?

    For anyone who doesn't know the difference - see through scopes just takes the scope model and lets you aim through it, but the whole screen zoomes in for this one. Fake through scopes renders (or pretends to render) a second instance of the game inside the scope so only the inside of the scope zoomes in and not the entire screen. Overlays just zoom in the whole screen as well and put a black overlay over your screen with a scope shaped cutout - so lame.

      Another mod wish would be land vehicles/mechs - I need my starfield power armor equivalent :D

    Gamers nexus on LTT
  • I watched a couple of Linus videos over the years and recently subscribed. I had no idea how many videos they push out a week - that is something they should really adress. Rather make three or four good videos a week than the absolute crap content they partially put out just to get their schedule full.

    After this whole thing now I unsubscribed again. You can absolutely fuck up a situation and be good in my book if you own up to it, but Linus response is childish at best and a disaster at worse.

  • Year 8 Season 3: Operation Heavy Mettle Reveal

    Megathread for Year 8 Season 3: Operation Heavy Mettle.

    You can re-watch the reveal here:


    Test Server launch: Monday, August 14th

    Live Server launch: Tuesday, August 29th

    Gameplay overview trailer:

    New Attacker: Ram

    1 speed Operator from South Korea

    Gadget: BU-GI Auto Breacher

    Soft-breach gadget

    Deployed by throwing on the ground

    Slowly moves in designated direction, causing soft destruction to obstacles and the floor in its path

    Remotely actived, choose direction (straight, left, or right) before activation

    Smashes through baricades when thrown



    Red canister on its body that can be shot out (similar to Black Mirror)

    Primary weapons:



    Secondary weapons:

    Mk1 9mm


    Secondary gadgets:

    Stun Grenades

    Hard Breach Charge

    Gameplay Updates, New Features & Other Changes

    Quickmatch 2.0

    Reduced overall match time and overall waiting time

    Reduced prep phase timer by adding pre-made objective setups

    Pre-deployed the most common reinforcements & rotation holes

    Two variations for each objective, chosen at random

    Added attacker protection to the start of the round

    Safeguards against spawn peeks during the first 10 seconds of the round

    Adjusted match making algorithm finds matches much quicker

    Additionally: Renamed Unranked to Standard

    Removed map & Operator ban phases

    Decreased overtime rounds to 1



    Increased reliability

    Better soft destruction when not aiming down sights and when moving

    Better precision when aiming down sights


    Players can revive themselves when trapped (in 4 seconds)

    Self-revived players will not be able to sprint for 60 seconds


    New alternate firing mode: canisters bounce off walls


    Deploy charges on deployable shields

    New Arcade Mode: Weapon Roulette

    Weapons change randomly based on a timer

    Player Protection

    Player Commendation System

    Commend up to two team mates in three categories: guideance, valor, dedication

    Commend enemies as worthy opponents

    Streak when frequently commended in recent matches, adds special icon to your username and grants Alpha Pack roll after every match

    Every player engaged with the commendation system receives a mid-season epic Alpha Pack, top 25% most commended players at the end of the season receive a legendary Alpha Pack

    New page with overview over your misconduct

    Player Comfort

    Option to remove HUD from free cam

    Option to kick (or promote) players from your squad

    Patch notes available in-game


    New three-part tutorial system

    Basics (weapons, gadgets, destruction, etc)

    Attack (breaching, etc)

    Defense (reinforcing, etc)

    New Elite Skin: Thunderbird


    Destruction has a new name in Operation Heavy Mettle



    Destruction has a new name in Operation Heavy Mettle! Once deployed, there is little that can be done to stop the BU-GI's trajectory of doom.

    📢 Full reveal on Aug. 13: @ 11:30AM PT / 08:30PM CEST @ 12:00PM PT / 09:00PM CEST


    Full 2024 Magic The Gathering Set Timeline

    As a big Fallout fan, I am super hyped about that one :O I am going to buy all EDH precons of that set.

    We've had to roll back - Sorry.
  • Btw, is it intentional that you are using the lemmy icon with the ears and whiskers in front instead of the fixed one? :D

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • How is Twitter a bad name? I immediately get the imagine of birds tweeting at each other which is exactly how twitter works, only that birds would probably say less stupid shit.

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • Maybe Mastodon can be renamed to Twitter?

    Because lets be real, "Mastodon" isn't that much better of a name than "X"

  • The more they censor, bigger it gets
  • Is there a way to disable the outlines?

  • Who else had a crush on her?
  • I had more of a crush on Kim herself.

  • Current state of Place 2023
  • The whole thing should just be "fuck spez" but people are so desperate to get their same designs on this like the last time.

    Imo having a place so recent after the last one is super dumb. Completely kills the hype for it.

  • Welcome to the Ghost Recon Lemmy community
  • I dont think so, like I stated in the post on the subreddit, they probably won't even notice the change unless they use third party apps or a new game gets announced (which will result in more spam in the subreddit)

    I am not sure if longterm reddit will be hurt at all because its userbase is fucking huge. No idea if Lemmy will ever be able to compete with that.

  • The Division 2: Together in Pride - The Importance of Inclusive Writing

    Idk, Ubisoft of all companies making such a video... everyone knows how not inclusive they can be.

    They try so hard to look inclusive, it's a bit cringe.

    Annoyed by Lemmy links not going to your home instance? I just updated LULs, the script that changes all Lemmy links everywhere to your home instance!
  • If I already have it installed in Tempermonkey, is there a way to update or do I need to remove and download again?

  • Commander Masters Commander Decklists

    We're releasing four all-new Commander decks are releasing with Commander Masters, and you can check them out here!

    Commander Masters Commander Decklists
    0 Commander Masters Visual Spoiler - MtG Spoiler

    Draft Booster Each Commander Masters Draft Booster contains 20 cards and 1 double-sided token, including 2–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher (3: 36%; 4: 3%), 5–7 Uncommon, and 11–12 Common cards. Traditional Foil Borderless Mythic in <1% of boosters. Set Booster Each Commander Masters Set Booster con...

    Search "Lemmy" on the play store and the official Reddit app shows up 6th lol
  • I mean they do similar things so it's just natural that it is recommend somewhere there.

  • Games like The Division should not have PvP modes
  • Yeah that's why I don't play these games. I prefer PvP games like Rainbow Six Siege. One of the reasons why I stopped playing Tarkov (apart from the high stress and too much micromanagement) was that I hate its rpg elements and economy. People say the best time to play Tarkov is after a wipe because thats when it is the most fair game for everyone. Which is true, but that is a sign of bad design imo. I hate always losing all the progress I "worked" for.

  • Humble request to add an icon to the community

    It triggers me a bit that it doesn't have one in my subscribed communities list :D


    Please come back 😭

    I hate this timeline...

    Hope Synch for Lemmy will make this platform more useable...
