I'm Fleur, feminine guy trying out lemmy. Pronouns don't bother me use whatever you're comfortable with :)
My dream is to have a full body mirror that reflects a better background than gym equipment.
This is so dumb of course it's a controversy about veganism. It's so obvious that no imminent harm is coming from a community literally founded on the idea of reducing suffering. Probably switching instances sometimes soon
"vegans are so annoying they always try to force their opinions on you"
Which instance is the "fuck it do what you like" instance?
Hat for increased magic damage, hood for increased physical damage
There are groups of people who are in genuine danger when around the person on the right
Veganism is unhealthy because of all the mental damage I get talking to people about it online
Climate impact, health, the feeling of superiority
From my understanding of the study they used an unverified method on a small part of the brain to get the amount of plastic in the entire brain. Which can be misleading because if you only look at the parts of the brain that are microplastics, the brain is 100% plastic. There hasn't been widespread replication of the results yet either nor has the paper been peer reviewed.
I'm sceptical especially with the microplastic doomer narrative going around. As far as I know the danger of microplastics on the human body is yet to be determined. But it's definitely alarming I just don't think it's responsible to be saying there's a credit card in your brain.
I gave the study a read. It's in preprint, it's yet to be peer reviewed and the method they used is atypical. Yeah I think disbelief is a pretty reasonable response since it's hard to imagine that much plastic wouldn't be making noticeable changes in behavior/physiology. But it's possible and the research seems rigorous
I don't think this is true
I almost want to say you'd have better luck breeding super intelligent fish
XD hell yeah bro
Back the fuck up cos I ain't halal
Man you can't be spending more than 30 seconds on a comment. If its taking longer to write out just delete it and move on. If you've really got something to say in longer than 30 seconds make a post about it
Yeah I'm always confused by the people who are like the downvote button is for off topic discussions. Like no that's reporting and functionally the downvote button is the "I had a negative reaction to this button" and the up vote is the "I had a positive reaction to this button"
Personally I don't downvote anyone because it just feels petty and pointless. Some of my favorite comments have loads of downvotes and to me it just makes whatever dumb shit I said funnier
Not watching that I'm just gonna pretend it reinforces my viewpoint
No I use kilo all the time as shorthand for kilogram. Context usually does the work.
Reading through English speaking non American political discourse is just non Americans comparing their politics to American politics
Saw a post on the Canada community and basically was just talking about how this guy is Joe and it would be good if he was replaced by someone like Harris and even better if it was someone like AOC. I've seen similar stuff on the Aussie communities. It's interesting that American politics is so well known it's easier to convey information about local politics as analogies to American politics
I feel relief after pulling off my toenails, whats wrong with me?
When I pull off my toenails I feel relief. It still hurts to do but afterwards I get a sense of overwhelming calm. Ignoring the pain aspect, It's kind of similar to the feeling of having a blocked nose become clear. Is this indicative of anything?/ does anyone else experience something similar?
The reason everyone thinks Americans have no culture is because their culture is prevalent everywhere.
Most cultures stand out but American culture doesn't because basically everywhere has some sorta American influence.