The online rainbow police could get offended, you know.
Easy solution: when you see someone with those glasses on, cave their face in. Just in case.
You apes did this to yourselves.
Anyone that employs Sweet Baby deserves to fail. Good thing people are waking up to that.
Fucker should just die alone in a hole.
What is she trying to communicate anyway? She has the plainest, most boring face of all time, just staring at the camera with the eyes of a dead fish. There is no communication going on.
I think y'all would be just better off ACTUALLY assassinating the guy. If he wins, the USA's so royally screwed it's almost worth making him some sort of twisted martyr for the retards that vote for him.
These people are just sad and delusional, they need to warp every piece of reality their own way. Idgaf about religion in general, but they are just laughable.
Lovely, we ship the idiots to Florida and then sink the state.
Well at least some of you realise you are generally a bunch of idiots. Unfortunately there are idiots everywhere, no exception. Can we just ship ours there? They'd feel right at home.
If the EU's indiscriminate immigration policies weren't so lax, and didn't create issues for the general public, such things wouldn't happen. It's not the young who failed to study history, it's the institutions who failed to learn how to appease the population. It's easily seeable, the far right is winning in all those places whose population wad most affected by the idiotic idea of "Let's just let everyone in, but let's not help them in any way, shape or form so that they need to resort to crime". Many states saw a surge in criminality because of illegal immigrants, especially in Northern Europe. That's why the far right is winning.
And none of those people who post about socialism understand that it's utterly unfeasible due to basi human nature, but it's funny to see them live in their own delusions. If only humans were better.
This feels like something the libertarian left and all their accusations of hate speech wouldn't like to hear, especially the rainbows with all their -isms and -phobias. Let people talk and choose what to ignore.
Keep using words without knowing their meaning. Typical 'murican. "Everybody I don't agree with is a fascist, although I have no idea what a fascist is". Idiots.
Yes, exactly, fuck the religion of two billion backwards dogs who come here and want to impose their distorted views of women, laws, and society at large. They don't belong here, and never will.
Secularism as a European value already excludes anything Islam-related from the picture. As it should be, fuck Islam.
Anyone who murders Trump would be a hero. Now come at me, ameridiots, your laws and agencies mean shit to me.
Pand of the retards stay a third world country pretending not to be.
Most conmunists wouldn't last a day under communism, but they're too stupid to get it.
Honestly, if they end up dead and broke for their own stupidity, so be it. Natural selection should be more present nowadays, but modern society allows idiots like these to live.