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Took way too long to get to this half-cooked state

Some time ago, someone convinced me to try out Hyprland, and I've been working on this one ever since. It might look minimalistic, but not for the lack of trying.

Bare desktop with a cheatsheet widget on one screen and krun being used on the other. !

Bare desktop with a launcher widget on one screen and a calendar widget on the other. The mouse is hovering on the lock desktop icon on the launcher widget sidebar area. !

Browser window on one screen and swaync notification center on the other. !

Browser window on one screen and on the other window, a terminal emulator, bmon, and htop. !

------------------ Things used:


I think I'm currently in a state where I'm mostly contempt with my ever-evolving rice (more images in body text)

!ymuse, cava, cli-visualizer & pavucontrol

listening to music through mpd & ymuse + cava, cli-visualizer & pavucontrol

!desktop with rofi, dunst and 2 terminals

desktop with rofi, dunst and terminals (classic rice showcase picture)

!librewolf with [email protected] and a terminal running nix-collect-garbage

looking at some rices with cute socks while doing garbage collection\ also obviously with transparency turned off, so the images don't get weirdly half-transparentized

!codium and a terminal

trying to understand sways codebase, so I can try to implement custom shaders for swayfx (pain)


dotfiles (nix flake)\ wallpapers


Update on rofi-theme, How do you like it ?

Hey guys, i have created this rofi Tokyonight theme a while back. Since then i have gotten some feedback and wanted to update the post. The cepo can be found here: Feedback is always appreciated :)


My first Rice on Arch

cross-posted from:

> This is my first ever attempt at ricing. How did I do? Do you have any suggestions? > > - Dotfiles: > - WM + Bar: Qtile > - Theme: Catppuccin > - App Launcher: Rofi > - Prompt: Starship > - Terminal: Alacritty > - Audio Visualizer: cava > - Wallpaper: