Social media and anti-immigrant prejudice: a multi-method analysis of the role of social media use, threat perceptions, and cognitive ability
IntroductionThe discourse on immigration and immigrants is central to contemporary political and public discussions. Analyzing online conversations about imm...
From the conclusion:
> Our research recommends using multi-method approaches to offer a comprehensive understanding of different media, such as social media, in terms of their role as a space for building and influencing public opinion. > > Findings related to heightened affective prejudice in Singapore emphasize the need to foster cross-group harmony through interactions and communities on social media and possibly other public spaces that eschew the social and economic constraints evident in offline societies. > > We recommend that policy efforts focus on literacy as a supplementary way to improve ingroup-outgroup relationships. > > Dispelling prevailing stereotypes through fact checks and educational efforts on social media may offer a more viable alternative than efforts to curtail social media content altogether.