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help - tmux paints vim

idk im having this issue for a long time. itd be nice to have this fixed.


Edit: I that doesnt help:

  • term=xterm-... in shell config
  • set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" in tmux config


thanks to mazadin for the solution.

im using foo terminal, so setting set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",foot:Tc" in tmux.config fixed it. (yeah im dumb)


How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?

Update: Based on the discussion here and in other places I added the following (well, technically I did something different in my colorscheme, but in the end it translates to that)

lua vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Normal', {})

This reverts the weird text and background colors to the previous behavior of ... not setting them. ________

With update 0.10 Neovim behavior changed regarding text color and background color.

I use a color theme that does not set those and previously this worked perfectly fine. Neovim simply used the font color defined in the terminal and had a transparent background.

Now the background is #14161b and the font color is #e0e2ea. Neither of the colors is configured ANYWHERE in my whole setup. Neither in the colorscheme, nor in my terminal configuration, nor in my Neovim configuration.

Is there a sane way to revert this to the old behavior? (i.e. use the font color configured in the terminal’s configuration and use transparent background.)


Easy way to get an IDE using neovim? --> Use lunarvim or astronvim

I thought switching from vim to neovim would be like switching from a nano+ to a VSCode CLI, but it's far from that. There are so many plugins and it's not as easy as declaring which plugins I want, having one dictionary/mapping/attribute set with keybindings, another with global preferences, and done.

Then there's something about language servers. The list on is daunting. I thought LSP support was built into nvim. Why are there so many LSP plugins? And what the hell is treesitter and why do I need it?

I copied some dude's config and suddenly Ctrl+P for completion didn't work like in VIM.

There's just so much unexplained jargon and abbreviations, that it feels like I have to read neovim code before even using it (ain't nobody got time for that). Is neovim actually the right tool to use to have an easy CLI IDE? Is there an easier command-line alternative that just lets me go "oh, this language isn't supported, let me open the package manager and install the $language-plugin", with "Goto Definition", debugging with breakpoints, code formatting, refactoring (rename variable/method/class, extract function, etc.) ? Maybe neovim just isn't the right tool for those without years of time.

Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everybody. Finally went with Lunarvim and it's been a joy!