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La leche. Acabo de añadir/activar las listas de bloqueo de anuncios para siguiendo las instrucciones de y ahora

La leche. Acabo de añadir/activar las listas de bloqueo de anuncios para @vivaldi\_browser siguiendo las instrucciones de\_Ad\_Blocking\_Lists-Customized y ahora el test de Ad Block Toolz ( me da un 100%. A veces vale la pena tomarse 5 minutos para afinar las herramientas que usamos a diario.



@CliffWade I just started using on my Android phone. Does it have extensions for mobile, like uBlock?

@CliffWade I just started using @vivaldi\_browser on my Android phone. Does it have extensions for mobile, like uBlock?


Thank you for the gift, Vivaldi! ( ( (

Thank you for the gift, Vivaldi! @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser #vivaldi



@vivaldi\_browser the global look for your mastodon instance (like most instances) is too generic, possible you bring in there your talent to make it look the very place of social HYPE?


( known that ( is no more a small and tiny but a giant player in the web browser and online services, i sugges

@gnome known that @vivaldi\_browser is no more a small and tiny but a giant player in the web browser and online services, i suggest they should be added into the online account section and not only relate to basic IMAP/SMTP provider



@vivaldi\_browser this is nice (see attachment) but it happens that when I use #Bing to do researches the browser becomes unresponsive after less than a minute and i have to kill the process


While snapshot 20231024 of ( ( started to cook for about an hour, snapshot 20231023 is fully sync and

While snapshot 20231024 of @opensuse #Tumbleweed started to cook for about an hour, snapshot 20231023 is fully sync and you can now freely "zypper dup" or grab fresh ISo from official website; and @vivaldi\_browser is part of the game


Testing out ( on (

Testing out #VivaldiSnapshot on #iOS Also one thing I want to mention is if Vivaldi will change Chrome UI from it’s menus. I’d like to see Vivaldi to make its own UI for future updates. @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser


updating ( to snapshot 20231012 + getting fresh ( snapshot on the list

updating @opensuse to snapshot 20231012 + getting fresh @vivaldi\_browser snapshot on the list Weekend is cool




Warum werden meine web Panels nicht synchronisiert sondern an der Seite ist die standard Leiste.

Kann man Das auch synchronisieren ?


( I recently reset my password but I keep getting notifications that I've requested a new password even though I haven't. what can I do to fix thi

@vivaldi\_browser I recently reset my password but I keep getting notifications that I've requested a new password even though I haven't. what can I do to fix this? Thank you!


I been using the browser for few days. I noticed it takes more than 1GB on my iPhone and iPad already and keep increasing even after i clear all history, restarting the devices didn't help. Is this a

I been using the browser for few days. I noticed it takes more than 1GB on my iPhone and iPad already and keep increasing even after i clear all history, restarting the devices didn't help. Is this a bug? @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser


Ei ( ( Where is my "return " ??

Ei @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser Where is my "return " ??


( maybe tell people you don't do this sort of thing: (

@vivaldi\_browser maybe tell people you don't do this sort of thing:


With Chrome's new privacy concerns, I really want to stop using it. However I love the Chrome developer tools and overall experience better than Firefox. I just want to de-google it.

With Chrome's new privacy concerns, I really want to stop using it. However I love the Chrome developer tools and overall experience better than Firefox. I just want to de-google it.

There are options! I've just started using @vivaldi\_browser and so far I \\really\\ like it!

Try it out here:


These guys are such scum bags. Wonder what ( is going to do about it? I'd hate to move back to Firefox...

These guys are such scum bags. Wonder what @vivaldi\_browser is going to do about it? I'd hate to move back to Firefox...

Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome | Ars Technica


Wait, what? My account address is MKSinSA but my screen name, logo and profile suddenly says SK Media! Think I got (! (https://lemmy.

Wait, what? My account address is MKSinSA but my screen name, logo and profile suddenly says SK Media! Think I got #hacked! @vivaldi\_browser @vivaldibrowserbot

"SK Media🇺🇦 Bot @MKSinSA This account is a replica from Twitter. Its author can't see your replies. If you find this service useful, please consider supporting us via our Patreon. "


Tiens je vais parler rapidement de navigateur internet.

Tiens je vais parler rapidement de navigateur internet.

Depuis plusieurs années, j'en ai testé de nombreux. Edge, @Vivaldi, Firefox et ses variantes (Pale Moon), Opera, Brave, Safari, la beta de DuckGoDuck...bref j'ai visé large.

Mais au bout d'un moment, il faut faire son choix, il faut poser ses valises. Bref, j'ai décidé d'arrêter mon vagabondage. @vivaldi\_browser sera bien mon navigateur principal. Et en secondaire je garde Edge (Windows 11, pas le choix) et Firefox😎



( (

@Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser Just a thought on a feature. In Firefox I had an add-on called account containers. This allowed me to place sites into a container so that they were isolated. Other sites couldn't see the cookies etc. Stopped cross site stuff. This resulted in added security. Obviously you don't write add-ons but that sort of thing is useful, or does Vivaldi already do this in some way?


( How to synchronize bookmark icons on the startpages?

@vivaldi\_browser How to synchronize bookmark icons on the startpages?