Hidden Star(s) in Four Seasons (but it's a photo album jacket)
I had another go at an album jacket fanart for this colorful Touhou game entry this week, opting for a photo booth feel, although slightly different, complete with their emblematic symbols and flakes. Somehow, both it and Imperishable Night are my first and topmost faves recently, owing to their mys...
Here goes the second in my own (kinda) evolving series on depicting Touhou games as if they were album jackets in themselves, and for this, I chose the one with the most colors (not literally), and with the playables in some sort of a inverted photo-op booth shot.
Characters: Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Aya Shameimaru, Cirno (with a tan)
A belated 20th Imperishable Anniversary
Just when I thought this extremely-late fanart of mine for this momentous mainline Touhou game was considered finished, welp, goes a final check-up tonight, alongside an alt of the same thing. The silhouettes represent all of the eight playable protags, with Youmu at the forefront of the fake moon's...
Just had this one backlogged for a week now, but with some more tweaks and silhouette and text fix-ups, it's now as fully complete as the full, bright moon tonight.
Characters: Reimu Hakurei, Yukari Yakumo, Marisa Kirisame, Alice Margatroid (with Shanghai), Youmu Konpaku, Yuyuko Sagyouji, Sakuya Izayoi, Remilia Scarlet
My spacesynth rendition of "Beloved Tomboyish Girl" for Cirno Day 2024
YouTube Video
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Obviously, mine's taking inspiration from classic Laserdance tunes (think 1987-1993), while still keeping everything else modern for everyone's ears. It's kind of belated, in a way.
About the coming canvas event
Hello touhou enjoyers, Are we planning something to the coming canvas event at It will be a quarter of the size of its precedent iteration and welcome all the fediverse, wich will probably lead to some competition between arts. I already prepared this template for it, help is welcome if you feel interested. If any suggestion on the pixel art, lemme know it.
Characters: Reimu Hakurei, Cirno (fumo)
Shrine maiden and witch
Characters: Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame
I like GIMP. Touchpad gestures for rotating and zooming are very helpful.
Youkai Marisa
Marisa in her Seihou design. Or what I interpreted from it. When you only have a tiny sprite to reference, things become rather tricky. xD;
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