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My Ender 3 isn't powering the extruder motor. Do I need a new motherboard?

The extruder suddenly stopped working after I cleared a jam that caused it to grind.

  • I tried every combination of motor and cable to trace the problem. It seems the only fault is the extruder's motherboard connector.

  • The motor is functional. I connected it to the XYZ motor cables and it spins on every one.

  • Nothing happened when I tried plugging the other axis cables into the extruder port on the motherboard.

  • Finally, I am comfortable using a multimeter and soldering iron, but don't have immediate access to them.

I really appreciate any advice on this because I miss printing!


uneven first layer

Don't know why but i my printer has been printing the first layer unevenly


Looking for a 3D scan of a Utility Gas meter in Ontario.

I am hoping someone may have the ability to scan the front and top of a utility gas meter that looks like the one above.

I would like the use this scan to model a front cover similar to the one shown in this link below, but suited for this type of meter.

The purpose of this project is to hold a esp32 board to get consistent meter readings and feed them into home assistant. Here is the project below.

Any help would be appreciated.


PrusaSlicer and Klipper (mainsail) ERROR: Move exceeds max extrusion | SV06

Hi everyone, I figured I have struggled with this enough over the past day and its time to consult the community. I've been running this same setup for about a month now with the only major change in that time being implementing the input shaping. Recently (last week) I have been unable to complete any prints because every time, I get the error: Move exceeds maximum extrusion ((in the case) 10.681mm^2 vs 0.640 mm^2).

My research says that it is likely due to a mix up between relative and absolute extrusion mode, however I did not change any of those settings in the past month prior to the start of this issue.

Troubleshooting conducted so far: 1) uncheck relative extrusion distances in printer settings>general RESULT -> same error. 2) re-enable relative extrusion in the slicer and explicitly add an M83 command to START_PRINT macro RESULT -> same error. 3) disable the check altogether and observe the print by adding MAX_EXTRUDE_CROSS_SECTION of 50 into printer.cfg RESULT -> no error, but it is massively overextruding blobs in that spot as expected given the error. Had to cancel print anyways it was so bad.

Edit: T.S. continued: 4) setting pressure advance to 0. RESULT -> same error.

Here is my START_PRINT macro before I started messing with it troubleshooting.

Pressure advance is 0.0425.

I'm not sure if there is more information I would need to share that may help find the cause like perhaps export the profile from the slicer as well?

I'm on PrusaSlicer 2.6.1 appimage on pop_OS using the Ellis 3d Sovol SV06 SuperSlicer profile adapted to PrusaSlicer with some tweaks as I go.

Printer is an SV06 running Klipper on a Raspberry Pi 4 with MainsailOS.