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No more weekly low effort thread, Matrix Chatroom is the place to be

Two months ago we started a NCD Matrix chatroom and it's done pretty well. There were zero national security incidents and only one █████ ██ ██████ █████. It's also taken the place of the weekly low effort thread and I think that's probably for the best. The chatroom seems to be a much better place for that. That, combined with how little usage the weekly thread got, we decided to disable it for now.

Anyway, this is a plug for the chatroom. Come join us!


Be careful where you post from, we can't control what your admins delete

The admins of your logged-in instance can delete any post of yours they want. This is not us doing it. The Lemmy UI is pretty bad at showing this. On some servers, an admins actions are listed as "mod" in the modlog even though we didn't do it.


housekeeping community update

Meta housekeeping update the last one for a while I hope:

I have made the following people mods from last week's vote on [email protected].

@[email protected]

@[email protected]

@[email protected]

@[email protected]

@[email protected]

On the second vote regarding reddit mod team integration. I reached out to the two mods on Lemmy.

I have made @[email protected] a mod. The other mod @[email protected] has not responded but I did inform him he would need to post in this community to be made a mod due to Lemmy limitations.

Ideally there are enough mods that there should not be much work between them. I have not given any of them directions on what to do I'm sure they will sort it out and hopefully not over moderate. They have my permission to do whatever they think is the best action. Please send me a pm if this experiment goes off the rails...

On the meta/vote community we used [email protected] it will be transferred to @[email protected] and turned into it's original purpose of being a community for minipc discussion. This is planned for August 31st at the latest and ideally sooner if there is no drama about the vote counts or whatever...

If you notice some kind of problems with the mod team please send me a pm. If you can include a screenshot.

Anyways it's been fun I'm going to step back to lurking mode and try not to constantly check Lemmy.


on reddit

I am not and never was a reddit mod for ncd. I never even had a verified reddit account. I'm happy to add the reddit mods as mods here if they want(pending community approval).

Honestly I don't even really want to mod I just wanted an active ncd community to read some shit posts without using reddit.

I've tried reaching out to the ncd mods over Lemmy and never got a reply so I've just assumed they gave up on moving to Lemmy.

Edit: My bad I guess they did talk to me a month ago I think. I just had no idea who they were. Screenshots for full transparency...


Most recent attempt to reach out... !