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Word or term used to describe when someone debunks known confirmed facts

For example the sun is real but Jimmy Bob tries to debunk it

What would the word or term for that be


animation with mushroom and pigeon talking about back to work

There was this video I was watching on Facebook with an animated mushroom ceo talking to a pigeon employee about getting employees back to the office and then the pigeon employee sees through the excuses and the mushroom ceo reveals the real reason

Watched the video but Facebook decided to refresh before I could get the video title and creator name


Probably western, hardly American, about a witch who kidnaps a boy's crush and turns a frog into a copy of her (the boy's crush) to trick him

What I'm pretty sure that happens: The witch kidnaps the boy's romantic interest, turns a frog into a copy of the girl (who engages in suspicious behavior, such as eating flies), to trick the boy who invaded the witch's castle to rescue the romantic interest.

What I'm not so sure that happens: I believe that is explicit that the whole situation is happening in the boy's imagination, in a Mona: The Vampire style. I believe the boy's relationship with the girl is platonic.

I cannot remembers if is a short or long movie, or an episode from a series.

I watched it dubbed into Portuguese, between 2006-2011, replayed a few times, on one of the following Brazilian television networks: TV Cultura, TV Escola or TV Futura. From my memory, the animation style was Western, but it could be an Anime. It is possibly a European animation and more possibly from Eastern Europe, because at this time TV Cultura showed a lot of animations from the 80s from those places. I find it difficult to be American because of my difficulty in finding anything about it and because American animations were not common on these channels at that time.


What if the Japanese figure in this image ?

I've forgotten it's name and I also think it might be referenced in one of the super Mario odyssey levels as well iirc


Name of an old German weapon. Possibly medieval. The handle I believe could be unscrewed and could be used as a club during close combat.

this was a weapon that's possibly used in medieval times (definitely long before 20th century). The main part may have been a sword and the hilt could be unscrewed or somehow used as a club. Thanks!


Science fiction book about aliens telling humans to stop developing technology

Sorry I don't really have any more detail. I read this blurb about a book on either reddit or goodreads. Something about humanity discovering interstellar travel or something major like that and aliens sending a message warning humanity to stop, or else. At least that's what I remember. Any help would be appreciated. Been searching for a couple of hours and have had no luck.


Youtube video of a window dropping on a man's head

I just remembered a video of a attic window that opens up into a small balcony and in this specific video it drops on top of the man's head

Edit: typo


A comic strip of devolution. Starts with an office worker pushing a copier out the office tower window, ends up as primitive group chilling around a camp fire.

I remember there being no text or speech, some fire-extinguishers sprayed all over the place, someone hunting with a bow and arrow across an office desk.

It was in a step-by-step airliner-safety-card style of art.

First saw this about 10 years ago on some other site.


man stretching his arms wide open (meme?)

I saw a picture of my friend today and it reminded me of this image. It is a man in a suit (white suit?) with his arms stretched open, but also shoulders raised like shrugging...? Also I think that the man had his (black) hair tied back, in some kind of man bun? Every time I see this image (meme?) the man gives me some kind of mafia feeling

Does anyone have any clue what I might be talking about? Might be out of a movie or something...


Minecraft channel featuring my chemistry teacher

So my chemistry teacher went on a tangent in one of our lessons, and started telling us a bit about a Minecraft channel he was a part of in 2012. At its peak, the channel had either 10K subs or 10K views, but the videos were all set to private when YouTube introduced stricter copyright rules. He implied that he was challenging anyone interested to try and find the channel.

The channel itself was run by somebody else, who was not named but apparently used to work for NVIDIA before leaving to work as a kernel dev at ARM. The same guy, at some point, ran a small WoW server on one of my institution's dedicated servers.

The server and the channel would have been based in Northumberland, United Kingdom; and the players would have had northern, Geordie, Northumbrian, or Yorkshire accents.

I will not be naming my teacher, as he said that his name wasn't anywhere on the channel or in the videos; and I would prefer not to disclose the name of my institution to protect whatever's left to protect about my identity.

Does anyone know anything, or am I going to have to put my Sherlock Holmes hat on?


Rock song (I played the melody played on piano to help identify) Please help identify

Listen to Please help identify by Phoebe #np on #SoundCloud

I have a song stuck in my head but can't for the life of me remember the name, artist, or any of the words. But I played out a bit of the melody on the piano (poorly). It's a rock song with male vocalist, the piano part is played by electric guitar. Is anyone able to identify?

Link is here:

Thank you!


(Movie): Morgan freeman turns out to be a bad guy who kidnaps kids


Quiet, broody modern song, with what sounds like an oboe throughout

I couldn't get a recording or pick out any lyrics because it was in a supermarket and there was a lot of background noise. But if you've heard the song, I think the title might be enough. It had a very sparse instrumentation, drums fairly prominent, male singer, very strong melody.