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Delta 8 - Greased Lightning (2024)

An awesome debut cassette by this group out of Athens, Geoargia, delivering a salvo of fuzzed out tunes on the intersection of hardcore- and KBD-soaked garage punk. While at times resembling the noise-laden output of groups á la Lumpy and the Dumpers, Soupcans and Black Button i think this stuff would fit equally well within the catalogs of LoFi specialist cassette labels Impotent Fetus and Deluxe Bias, having a similar shambolic energy in common with acts like Septic Yanks, C-Krit, early Electric Chair, Exxxon and Motor Corp.


Jug - Or Not / Innuendo - Peace & Love 12XU | Jug - Or Not / Innuendo - Peace & Love

Excellent shit straddling the fine line between hard- and postcore with a smidge of garage thrown in is what we get on the debut EP of Winnipeg group Jug, reaching our shores courtesy of the always...

Excellent shit straddling the fine line between hard- and postcore with a smidge of garage thrown in is what we get on the debut EP of Winnipeg group Jug, reaching our shores courtesy of the always reliable Vancouver noise forge Neon Taste Records. Their sound encapsulates exactly the rough and unruly qualities i seek out most from these genres, at the same time sounding reasonably elaborate and well-constructed. At points, you might draw comparisons to stuff like Acrylics, Mystic Inane, Arse, Daydream, Video, Crisis Man, early Bad Breeding… plus a surprise hint of '77 New York in My Body's Doomed!

Similar things, albeit in a somwhat dumber, equally fun and delightfully primitive fashion, are then brought forth on the debut LP of Milwaukee's Innuendo which has just dropped via Unlawful Assambly and Roach Leg Records and on which they hit a sweet spot between simple and stupid oldschool hardcore energy and KBD-drenched garage insanity, ingredients that have stood the test of time being presented in a way here that still feels fresh and alive.


Leaking Head - Leaking Head

Another bomb has just dropped via Tetryon Tapes. The previous EP Better Homes & Gardens by the Rochester, NY group was a perfectly fun occasion already, albeit one still kinda struggling to seamlessly integrate their oldschool '70s/'80s metal elements into their overall aesthetic. This new cassette rectifies this in part by way of a rough-as-fuck Lo-Fi sound that simply fits them a lot better while their powers of song construction have undoubtedly made plenty of progress as well, resulting in an unforgiving force that skillfully imbues some of the most furious instances oldschool hardcore grime and filth with a distinct dungeon punk note.


Dollhouse - I Hate You Dont Leave Me

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> This New York group's third EP once again showcases them as an overwhelming rowdy force to be reckoned with, made up of equally smart and furious postcore with some surface-level similarities to groups such as Mystic Inane, Wymyns Prysyn, Launcher, Cement Shoes or Liquid Assets. New to me from this group is some pronounced melodic vibe á la Drive Like Jehu-goes-Leatherface in the title track… surprisingly, this too works flawlessly! > >


Jean Mignon - Dirty Mean Fast

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> The fol­low-up to last year's sen­sa­tion­al de­but tape AN/​AL by new york garage punk wiz­ard Jean Mignon some­what di­als down the styl­is­tic va­ri­ety fac­tor but ab­solute­ly makes up for it by con­sid­er­ably up­ping the av­er­age en­er­gy lev­el of his straight­for­ward punk smash­ers, pro­pelled for­ward by an un­stop­pable, com­bus­tive dri­ve with more than just a lit­tle un­der­cur­rent of pro­to punk in gen­er­al and the '74-'77 New York scene in par­tic­u­lar. > >


Arse - Kaputt. (2024)

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> It took the Sydney group like a half decade to come up with their third EP but here it finally is in all its glory and spectacle. Their very own fusion of noise rock, hard- and postcore has retained every bit of their frantic energy while mixing shit up just enough to keep things interesting, for example in Shame Bomb, in which they conjure up a previously unheard sense of melancholy. Other times, their speeds and levels of devastation are reaching the explosive force of their debut EP in songs such as Level Skipper and Prick in the Franger, after the slightly more forgiving previous Safe Word EP, while tracks like Night Shift Blues once again supercharge all the grime and dirt of oldschool Amphetamine Repile-style riffing with a relentless hardcore attack.


Spewed Brain - Spewed Brain (2024)

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> Following up on their much rougher, hardcore-leaning International Heartthrob EP of last year, Indiana's Spewed Brain take their sound into a catchier, slightly egg-ish direction on their new LP while staying delightfully fucked-up and unpredictable, at different times reminding me of groups as diverse as, say, Trauma Harness, Print Head, Exwhite, The Gobs, Snooper, Rolex, Witch Piss or Slimex.


RONi - Demo (2024)

Oh look, it's that mysterious dude again who also goes by such names as Zhoop, Djinn, Nightman, Feed, Brundle and even more disguises i can't recall right now. As usual he does exactly one thing on here and he gets it right every single time - five excellent no-frills minimalist detonations on the intersection of garage-, hardcore- and fuzz punk.


Split System - Vol. 2 (2024)

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> The second LP by this Melbourne garage punk supergroup brings further gradual refinement to their distinct formula carrying all the right baggage from many decades of particularly australian punk history both ancient and recent, presented with heartfelt urgency and a persistent sense of melancholy that's quite unique to them, a knack for catchy hooks, elegant, simple and effective songwriting which has had the group running circles around the bulk of the genre pretty much from day one, all the while leaving impact craters with the unrelenting fury of their performance. Nothing short of spectacular, this record!


Scud - Car (2024)

Songs about motor vehicles aren't quite as ubiquitous as they once were and i'm just gonna say say deservedly so because honestly, that ancient, most wasteful mode of personal transportation can't be phased out soon enough and the future clearly belongs to all varieties of bikes and trains. But here we go, it's an unlikely new EP made up of nothing but carpunk tunes. Musically the thing slaps though, their weird and whimsical mix of art- and garage punk being of similar character to household names such as Vexx, Cel Ray, Warm Bodies, Warp or Fugitive Bubble.


The Slads - Tough Times (2024)

Brilliant, thrilling oldschool action on this Philadelphia group's debut EP on which a hybrid garage/hardcore vibe á la Cutters gets fused with a distinct Oi! tendency reminiscent of The Chisel, Chubby And The Gang. Then again, there are some ocurrences of Poison Ruïn-esque riffing to be spotted as well and sometimes the guitar leads operate in classic Radio Birdman territory.


Zenomorph - II (2023)


Psychbike - Demo (2023)


Ataque Zerø - Ciudades (2024)

[Bandcamp blurb:] Bogota's ATAQUE ZERO return just over two years after their debut with their second 12" EP 'Ciudades'. They are an international band with members from Venezuela, Colombia and France who formed around the Rat Trap scene which gave the world MURO, TRAMPA and ALAMBRADA among others, all of whom share members with ATAQUE ZERO.

They've stepped things up on all fronts for Ciudades and bring you five new anthems that have built on all the promises their debut EP made. The songs are passionate, angry and maybe even channelling a bit of STIFF LITTLE FINGERS as well as PELIGRO SOCIAL and LEATHERFACE this time too. Everything here is the right balance of taste and power and we can't wait to see what they come up with next.


Jëg Hüsker - Demo! (2023)

Excellent new shit by a group from Karlsruhe, Germany featuring, as far as i can tell, the two members of Thee Khai Aehm. There are parallels to be drawn to that group, especially concerning the heavy dungeon-esque vibe of which much is retained here as well, but overall i'd say this group's garage- and fuzz punk sound is a different kind of beast altogether, involving way higher velocities and more stylistic variety. The opener has some primal proto punk energy to it while the melodicism of As Loud As Me reminds me of early No Age or Wavves. Give Me Beat ventures deep into hardcore territorry and closing track Fomo Boy is a forceful blast of classic dungeon punk excess. Well… if the word "classic" even has any meaning for a genre this young. Whatever, there's no use arguing with this kind of fury.


ØL - Demo (2024)

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> German language "deutschpunk" that doesn't suck still is much of a rarity, sadly. This thing here indeed does not suck in the slightest though. The debut LP of this group from Aachen treads an interesting middle ground, having clear echoes of some of the better and quite obvious german influences (think the likes of Oma Hans, early Muff Potter, Turbostaat, Oiro, Düsenjäger…) while at the same time having a more garage-leaning vibe to them reminiscent of a quite diverse bunch of international acts like Crisis Man, Flowers Of Evil, Waste Man, Ascot Stabber, Mystic Inane… plus the ocasional hint of Hot Snakes / Drive Like Jehu to boot!


The Vortex - The Vortex (2023)

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> The Santa Ana, California group follows up on last year's kickass Executive Dysfunction EP with an equally exciting successor (albeit one consisting mostly of re-recordings of previously known tracks) on which once again timeless garage punk stylings meet plenty of oldschool hardcore energy and KBD-related depravity. A fun ride throughout whose overall vibes and occasional blues- and cowpunk leanings this time around call to mind early Dicks, among other things.


Sun Children Sun - Bizarre Feverre (2022/2023)

The latest LP by this Tokyo group, originally released last year in Japan and now being reissued by Baltimore, Maryland label SPHC Records, kicks things off with not just one, but two maximally corny faux-orchestral intros seaguing into a cheesy faux-metal pastiche as if hellbent on one-upping any of the recent dungeon punk developments. Then, the actual fun starts in the form of equally basic but all the same unpredictable and inventive hardcore punk bursts, the aforementioned tongue-in-cheek dungeon/metal flourishes being counterbalanced by a freewheeling creative spirit reminiscent of, among other things, early Crass! There's no use arguing with this kind of insanity, just embrace the weird and enjoy the wild ride.


Termite - Termite Night Demo (2023)

Bamm! Exquisite new shit in the realms of garage-infested oldschool hardcore mayhem brought to us by a group from Perth, Australia, reminding me of acts in the vein of G.U.N., early Electric Chair, Cement Shoes, Crisis Man, Cülo and Chain Whip.


Lamictal - Hard Pill To Swallow (2023)

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> California group Lamictal follow up last year's insane pair of EPs with another strong tape, their overall vision coming across a little more focused on here which might in part be a result of ever-so-slightly increased production values… although polished would certainly be the wrong word here as their curious mixture of garage punk, hard-, post- and weirdcore is still filthy as fuck, upredictable and hyperactive, overwhelming the senses for just under four minutes before getting the fuck out as quickly as they turned up. Mandatory shit for friends of, say, Big Bopper, Rolex or early Patti.